Jealous husband

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The wedding processions has started and every one were sitting at the tables given to them as it's only family and friends every family had their own table.

"Why were you so uptight when you were meeting him?"

"Excuse me!!! Uptight?"

"You should have looked at your face there was no smile and your expression as if you are constipated".

"Hahahaha yeah sure we will discuss this later I don't want to make a scene at my best friend's wedding".

Sana glared at her husband and kept quite not wanting to start another argument.
In their 6 months of marital bliss she finally understood now marriage is not a walk of cake thanks to Rumi they started having arguments at every little thing now.

She turns around to find Rumi standing there.

"How may I help you?"
She smirks and walks towards Sana and stands with smug smile on her face.

"Arafath spoke to me and asked me to convey you that you don't have to be insecure you know there is nothing going on between us now, though once he loved me with his life and I understand your insecurities if I was you I would have been wreck after seeing a girl who can be 10 times better than you and your husband chose to be with you".

"So you are an official bitch now ?"

Rumi tenses and turns around to face Arafath.

"What you corner my wife and instigate her and try to create misunderstandings between us?"

"Rumi I never pegged you for this kind of shameful woman!! Or may be you have been this all the way along and my judgement was bad about you?"

"I should thank my god that he helped me see the real you!"

"Arafath I was just having the conversation".

"Yeah which i heard of, shut up and stay away from my wife!!!, you can't even hold candle to her".

He held Sana's hand and started walking but turned around.

"If I ever see you meddling in our lives again, trust me Rumi you will see an Arafath that you have never seen before".

"You don't have to come and save I can talk for my self".

"Oh yeah of course you can!!! God knows if I hadn't come she will again fuel your insecurities and you will start questioning my love for you, I have had it enough. Being questioned about my love".

They were having the conversation when they were interrupted by the person which made Arafath more furious.

"Sana!!!thank you".

"That's okay Salim,I understand and am thankful for whatever happened between us, cause I knew I had something better waiting for me".

Arafath looks at her in a very puzzled expression before he can ask anything Sana speaks up.

"What ever happened has happened I don't want to dwell on it, we need to go thank you."

She looks at her husband and asks shall we and they both leave the party after bidding bye to the newly wed and few other friends.

"What was that?, with the guy?"

Arafath's spokes finally after reaching home as they both were silent through out the drive.

"Here I thought that you might never ask!!"

Sana reaches out to her husband and hugs him which startles Arafath but he can't resist but hug her.

"The moment I saw that constipated look on your face I knew it that you were very jealous of him".

"I don't see anything wrong with being jealous".

"Yeah there is nothing wrong and love the fact that you are jealous for me".

"And there is nothing to be jealous about baby!!! He was in London from last week and have been reaching me out to talk something but I didn't want to meet him".

Arafath looks at her and asks "why not?"

"I didn't feel like especially without your knowledge I didn't want to do it".

"So you invited him to my friend's wedding ?"

"What?, God no no, why would I do that, honey he was there because he is the wedding planner."

"He what?"

"Yeah exactly he was hired by Rahila's uncle from India, as he is friend of his son,"

"He saw me in the engagement function but before he could talk we left the party and has been trying to reach me as I didn't get there for the rest of the functions"

"So what is it now was he asking your feedback?"

"Hahaha no silly!!! He was apologising!!"

"Apologising???, what did he do to apologise".

Arafath was angry just by thinking that his girl has been hurt by some jerk.

"He just hurt my feeling long long back but am fine now, thanks to someone."

Sana stood on tip toes and kissed his chin she likes this jealous version of her husband

"What happened between you too?"

"Arafath it's fine it doesn't matter anymore"

"I want to know!!"

"We met through Neha and we became friends he always confided in me about his ex girlfriend we grew closer and I thought there is more to it but when I was expecting it to move forward he just shunned me away saying it was just a mistake being with me and he doesn't see me that way".

"And that took toll on me as I thought my appearance has made him think that".

"You better not feel that way especially cause of that jerk of a man".

Arafath said hugging her and Sana thanked her Allah for providing her this man who would love her to eternity and In sha Allah they both will be together even in Jannah.

"I love you Husband"

This statement made Arafath go tense.

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