Chapter 5- The Date

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It was around 6:50pm at this time and suddenly Sonic heard the door slam just as he was walking upstairs to shower and get ready for his date.

"Oh hey Tails, how was the invention for Amy? " he said as he proceeded down the stairs.

"It was great! I finished it today so Amy paid me." Tails responded excitedly.

"Here, " he continued and gave Sonic $50TTD.

"What is this for? " Sonic questioned him.

"For your date! "

Sonic then explained to Tails that he didn't need the money as he didn't have the date at a restaurant or anything.

"Yeah but I don't need it, I already paid the bills and bought groceries. " Tails said. "You can buy some video game or something. I don't need anything. "

"Didnt you want that new book about animals or something? You can buy that, I already told you I don't need the money. " Sonic responded.

"Yeah, about ants. " Tails replied.

"Here, take the money and buy it tomorrow. " Sonic said and he gave the money back to Tails.

"Alright, if you insist. " Tails said as he took it.

"So what did you do today? " Tails asked as he sat down on the couch and put on the TV to watch Netflix.

"Oh I just hung out with Shadow. We played some video games and watched a movie. Oh we made chillidogs to! That reminds me, there are some chillidogs in the fridge if you want. " Sonic explained.

"Shadow?! The hedgehog? " Tails shouted.

"Yes lol. " Sonic chuckled.

"Where did you guys get bread? Or hot dogs, we used them up last night. " Tails asked.

"Shadow and I went to the supermarket and he insisted on paying, I don't know why, I gave him some money for the bread and hot dogs. " he answered.

"I see, " Tails replied. "Well get ready for your date, you don't want to be late and keep Amy waiting for you? "

"Yeah don't worry, I'm picking her up at 8" Sonic responded.


And then Sonic sprinted up the stairs to shower. When he was finished he ran to his room to choose his clothes. He was debating on whether or not to wear his black tuxedo or his white tuxedo.

"Hey Tails, which one do you think is better? My white or black tux? " Sonic shouted to Tails.

He didn't respond.

"Tails? " he asked again.

He was sleeping because he was tired from his day. Sonic rushed down to see where Tails was, as he didn't respond. He saw him sleeping and got a blanket from upstairs and put it on him so he wouldn't get cold. He ran back upstairs and messaged Knuckles.

"Hey Knux, should I wear my black or white tux for my date with Ames. "

"Hello?? "

"Bro please respond 🙏"

"Uerggg he's not responding! " Sonic asked.

At this time it was around half 7 and he needed to get ready soon.

"Who else can I ask? " he thought to himself.

"I would message Rouge but she could be on a mission with G.U.N.! " he pondered.

Little did he know, Knuckles and Rouge were on a date. The bat asked him out to watch Netflix that night and they had their phones on Do Not Disturb.

"Uhhh who else can I message? " he began thinking.

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