Chapter 1- The Aftermath

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Authors Note: Hii it's me v! I will be writing in 3rd person pov as it will be easier for me, hope u enjoy the chapter, thank you for reading it! Btw, this story takes place after Sonic and his friends defeats whatever they were going to at the end of Sonic Prime S3. This story is sonadow so if you do not like it, please leave, thank you 🙏.

"Phew, that took long but anyways, so as I was saying before egghead ruined my story, " Sonic said as he explained what happened during the time time the Prism broke.

"You idiot, what would've happened if you weren't able to fix this! " Knuckles abruptly shouted at him

"However, I did. " Sonic said with cockiness as usual.

"Wow, that was amazing!" Amy cheered. "I'm glad you and Shadow finally worked for once and not fight each other till death" she chuckled.

"Haha, yeah. " Sonic smiled.
"Hey Amy, can I talk to you privately about something? " Sonic enquired.

"Sure Sonic! " she replied.

They both walked over to a palm tree away from Tails, Knuckles and Rouge, where they couldn't hear anything.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about? " Amy asked.

"I like you.. I have since before the Incident, I just never realized until after, how important you were to me. " he confessed and turned away and closed his eyes.

He knew she liked him, he just had a gut feeling he was going to be rejected.

"Oh Sonic, I love you to! " and she holded his hands and gave him a peck on his cheek.

He turned slightly pink and responded with "So will you be my girlfriend? " he asked.

"Haha, of course! " she screamed and jumped up and down in excitement.

They both snickered while walking back to the rest of the group.


"What are you two giggling about? " Knuckles asked suspiciously.

"Guess who's dating now? " Sonic shared with him.

"Well it was about time, " Rouge scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I'm happy for you two lovebirds. "

"Thanks Rouge. " Sonic responded.

"So are we Sonic, Congratulations to you both! " Tails acknowledged, for him and Knuckles.

"Hey knucky, maybe that can be us soon. " she chuckled and winked at him

"Nuh uh, not anytime bat! " the echidna argued and turned away blushing.

"Haha, sureee. " she said teasingly.

"Sorry to interrupt your moment, but Rouge you seen Shadow anywhere? " Sonic added.

"Mmm no I haven't, sorry hun. " she stated.

"Oh damn, I wanted to thank him for his help about the Prism. " Sonic responded sadly.

"It's okay Sonic, you'll find him soon enough! " Tails said, trying to cheer up sonic.

"Yeah that's true, he'll show up anytime soon, you know shadow, don't worry darling! " Amy explained.

"Thanks love. " Sonic responded to Amy lovingly.

"Yuck, get a room you to! " Tails answered jokingly.

"Hahaha, " and they all laughed.


"Well it's getting late, we should go home. " Sonic stated.

"Yeah, it's been nice hanging with you all. " Rouge replied as she flattered her wings and flied into the sky.

"Yes, I should be getting back to my duties. " Knuckles said.

"Well goodby everyone, see you later! " Sonic answered as he waved them off.

"Tails, are you going to walk with me and Amy or will you manage? " He asked.

"Nah, don't worry about me, walk Amy home. " he responded. "Besides, I don't want to be there for all that lovey dovey stuff! "

Sonic chuckled. "Haha, okay if you say so. " as he waved at him, walking away with Amy.

"So Amy, would you want to go out on a date tomorrow night? " he asked timidly as if she would say no.

Under all his confidence and cockiness, he was scared.

"Yes! Yes! I thought you would never ask! " Amy excitedly shouted.

"Great! I'll pick you up at eight! " he stated.

"Wonderful! Where are we going? " she enquired.

"Don't worry about it, It's a surprise! " he said.

"Oh okay. " she uttered.

She seemed disappointed in a way. Sonic realized but he didn't know why.

"What's wrong? " he questioned.

"Nothing, nothing! " she hurriedly rushed.

"Are you afraid I'm carrying you for chilli dogs? " he grinned.

"Maybe.. " she giggled.

"Don't worry, " he said still giggling, "I'm carrying you to a wonderful view tomorrow night at dinner. "

"Wow, how romantic of you Sonic, how long have you been planning this? " she asked laughingly.

"Since I realized I loved you.. " he answered.

She wasn't actually expecting him to say anything.

The walk from then on was quiet for a while. Sonic didn't mind her delayed response. He enjoyed the walk and enjoyed her being there with him after not seeing her for so long.

Finally, they reached her house after that long walk from the beach.

"Thank you for walking me home Sonic. Goodnight, see you tomorrow. " Amy said with her face down. She was embarrassed of her delayed response to her question.
"And thank you for carrying me out tomorrow. " she told him.

"Thank you for loving me Amy Rose. Goodnight, I love you" he said as he pulled her for a kiss.

She immediately got flustered but enjoyed it.

"Hehe, goodbye loverboy. " Amy said teasingly and locked her door.

Sonic turned around and walked home.
He could've sprinted home quickly, but he wanted to relax himself and watch the beautiful sky.

Suddenly, he met the one and only, Shadow the hedgehog standing infront him.

"Hey faker! " he shouted teasingly.

"Don't called me that, loverboy." He responded. "Mind if I join you on your walk? "

Sonic questioned why he would want to walk along with him but said nothing of and said yes.

"Where were you, I wanted to thank you earlier for saving me! " he agrued with Shadow.

"Hehe, I was hiding the prism you idiot, I hid it in a cave only me and Rouge know of. " he told Sonic.

"Oh I see, but why are you walking with me? Don't you hate me. " Sonic asked.

Shadow paused for a while before gathering his thoughts.

"That's true faker, but I love watching the moon at night. I figured why not watch it while walking with you, get to update you about the prism and such. " he responded.

"I see, " Sonic replied.

They both stayed quiet until Sonic reached his home.

"Well goodnight faker. " Sonic teased as he walked inside.

"Goodnight, loverboy" Shadow said.

Hey guysss, so how was this chapter? Was it good? Lemme know, thank you for reading it, byeee ♥︎

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