Fire Hazard-1

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A month has passed since I arrived in Hungary. Since then, I got to know Dove and we became a very good team.

We've just dealt with another villain. We hugged and then I started home. When I got home, I saw the Ice Wolf kwami ​​in my room.

Astecc, what are you doing here?-I asked him in surprise.

We don't have time! Here is the letter!-with that he left, that is, he flew away.

The letter said:

Gina, we're in big trouble! A fire broke out! You must help us! Get back to the Temple of Guardians as fast as you can! You are greatly needed!


I was completely shocked. But I didn't hesitate for long!

Annga:Martial eagle mode!-I shouted to myself. And I've already flown!

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