Hat Carpenter

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I was just baking when my phone rang.

Hello?-I said.

Hello! I'm a Mirage!

You?-I asked.

I just wanted to know how you are.


Oh, you bastard.-he whined.

Good, okay. I'm fine anyway. You?

Me to. And how is life in Hungarian land? - he laughed.

Quite good. Imagine, I met Dove.- I told him.

So soon?

Y...-a big explosion interrupted the conversation.

Pay attention! I have to hang up now because something happened outside. I'll call you back.- I hung up the phone with that.

I smell a bad smell.-said my purple bird funny.

I agree. Annga: Martial eagle mode!

I soon found the cursed person. It was very strange. Splendid in shades of gray. And he had a bunch of hand tools. All kinds of drilling and carving things. In fact, even a huge hammer.

Shell! Don't destroy, you greyness.-I shouted at him.

My name is Hat Carpenter! And I destroy everything.

Dove fell down next to me so suddenly that I almost had a heart attack.

Uh! You're making fun of me, I told him.

Sorry. I have to get used to not being alone. Did you find out anything about it anyway?

Well... his name is not grayness, but Hat Carpenter.

Ha ha. Very funny.


We'd better go.

With that, we set off after our dear Carpenter.

I will destroy everything, he shouted.

But he wasn't as clever as he thought. At one point, when he was violently smashing a house, a miniature version of the big hammer fell out of his pocket. Dove broke it in two with a piece of iron that I don't know where he found. And the fluff has already come out of it.

It was nice! - we fisted together.

What happened?-asked the frightened boy.

Take it easy! Nothing wrong! I'll take you home, Dove reassured.

I went home too.

Umm.-I felt so tired that I almost passed out.

Finally, I hunkered down in front of my laptop and started watching a series.

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