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I think I forgot to mention that it was the middle of August. Which meant that it was freezing in the morning and at night but really hot throughout the day. It had been a week since I moved in with Helen and we were getting along just fine, we've always gotten along fine.

I decided to go to the pool that day. My aunt told me it was only a few blocks away and so she gave me a few bucks. 

I was wearing my blue swimming suit a pair of sunglasses and fliflops. I left my clothes at a locker and headed to the pool area. I layed my towel on a lounger, placed the book I was reading and the sunglasses there and headed to the water. It was cold and refreshing, it felt great. I would just float around or dive. I'd go under water and float there. I know it's a weird comparisson but I felt like I was inside of my mother's woumb, and that somehow felt nice as well.

I kind of wished the pool was less crowded though. I went back to my lounger. I was sunbathing and reading 'To Kill A Mockingbird' when I heard some boys being loud, well, louder. Some people was leaving and I wondered why, but didn't bother to look up. Then I heard it, his voice.

-Hey Maddie!-It was Ponyboy. I looked up and there he was, walking towards me. He sat on the lounger next to mine and smiled. Two guys arrived behind him.

-Is this your girlfriend Pony?-A blonde guy asked as he sat next to him.

-Shut up Dally. Madison, this is Dally and this is Johnny.-He pointed at them. Johnny seemed really quiet but nice. The kind of quiet that listens to you for hours. Now that I think about it this is the guy whose parents beat him. 

-We're gonna get changed.-Pony anounced, then him and Johnny started to leave. Dally didn't though.

-You guys come back when you're done! I have my thong on already.-Dally joked and we all laughed. He took off his shirt and jeans. He had his boxers on.-What? You like it?

-Oh my.-I said smiling. I laid there again, letting the sun melt in me. If I was lucky I'd tan a little and stop being so fucking pale.

-So, why do you know Pony? He never mentioned a girlfriend.

-I'm not his girlfriend.-We were talking on a sassy friendly way.

-Yeah, yeah. Not yet. If he doesn't ask you on a date soon I'll make you my girlfriend.

-I met him last week when two rich guys were chasing me, he almost cut them with a broken bottle.-I say remembering that night and ignoring Dallas' comment.

-Ponyboy? With a broken bottle? That is not the guy I'm talking about.-He laughed. He had a loud and weird laughter that I really liked.-He must have really liked you then.-He said as he stood up and went for a swim.-Are you coming beautiful?

-Did Pony tell you I'm fourteen?

-Oh hell. No he didn't. Well that's too bad.-He said that and left for the swim.

As soon as he left Pony and Johnny arrived. I took off my sunglasses and looked up at them. They were both obviously shirtless. They both sat down. Johnny's skin was more tanned and he had some scars. He quickly covered himself with a towel. Pony's skins seemed soft, he had two freckles next to his nipple.

-How come you're covering up Johnny?-I asked him.

-See? I told you. I should have wore a shirt.-He told Ponyboy. He nodded and then looked at me.

-Johnny suffered an accident almost a year ago, his skin got burned so he's not supposed to get too much solar radiation.-Pony answered my question.-I have my shirt here if you want to wear it later man.

-Do you mind telling me what happened?

-A church was burning down with children inside.-Johnny said.

-We both went in to save them, but he got burned.-Pony finished.

-Well, you two are heroes then. Pony even saved me the other day.

-No, it was also my fault that the church was burning down so that was the least I could do.-He was really a humble boy. He didn't want to admit that he was a heroe to those kids. 

As we were talking we heard someone fight. It was, of course, Dally and some more guys. They looked just like those guys who jumped on me the other day. But to be fair all the rich kids looked the same. They were all coming in our direction and one of the rich ones looked at me. He sat right next to me putting his arm around my shoulders. He stinked.

-Well, look who it is James. Our babygirl the cheeky girl.-He said talking to the guy who I think was driving the car. Ponyboy stood up and moved the guy's arm away from me. I stood up and stood behind Pony.

-Leave us alone you piece of shit.-Dally talked. The guy stood up and it looked like he was about to hit him when Dally suddenly hit him with his head. He hit him so hard that he must have been able to feel it all over his body. All the rich kids stood up and started yelling. 

-Shit.-Ponyboy took my book and wrist and started running.-Come on Johnny, let's get the shit out of here!-He helped me jump over the fence, then he helped Johnny and finally jumped the fence himself. We were running I don't know where and I looked behind me. I saw Dally jumpng the fence as well and runnign towards us. I could hear all the rich kids screaming behind him.

We finally stopped running and started breathing normally. Then we started walking.

-Where are we going now?-I asked, I really wanted to swim a little more. Pony turned to me and opened his eyes a lot. He gave me his shirt.

-You might want to wear this now that you're not in the pool anymore.-I remembered and blushed a little. I put on his shirt, it was kind of big on me which I thanked because that way you couldn't see my bump. Pony smiled at me.

-Let's go to the river.-Dally said smoking a cigarette ahead of us.

-We should have gone to the river in the first place.-Johnny said.

-Then we wouldn't have met Pony's girlfriend.-Johnny agreed to what Dally just said.

-I didn't know there was a river.-I said, trying to change the subject.

-Oh it's beautiful.-Pony said

-It's also socs free.-Dally pointed out.

I had to ask them about that, what was a sock and a greaser. They explained it to me. What I thought was sock is actually soc, and it's short for social. They're basically the rich kids. And the greasers are the working class. They call them greasers because of the grease of their hair. I think it looks nice, specially in Ponyboy.

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