Chapter 6: Aurelia Charming

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𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊 — Chapter 6Aurelia Charming

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𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊 — Chapter 6
Aurelia Charming

The night was ruthless, more like it.

   Aurelia wiped her tears from her cheeks over and over, sure they would stain her for eternity. The sadness lingered, even now, hours later as she lay in her bed, pondering ways she could exact revenge on her father. But then she never wanted to hurt him. Never. She would never want to blame him, but part of her always would.

   How could The Fairytale World do this to her? Make her life a play of misery because they had nothing better to do?

   It was like someone had stabbed her with the world's sharpest dagger and it wouldn't relent—wouldn't release her. She sobbed quietly, hugging her knees to her chest as she thought of all the paths she had once believed her life would take. Not once had she considered not having the choice over her own life. It disgusted her.

   She didn't want the Duke. She didn't want King Archer. She wanted the person—her person—who was currently stuck in the dungeons, locked up for something her father thought a crime when she knew better than that. He'd been locked up because of love.

   He'd not said it but she knew. She knew he loved her. She could feel it every time they were in a room together. Like magnets, the two couldn't be stopped from connecting. From locking eyes even in the most crowded places.

   And now that had been stolen from her. By her own father.

   The prophecy, one which she was still desperate to try and understand, was terrifying enough. What claim did The Fairytale World think it had on her? What gave this King Archer the right to take her hand in marriage when she didn't know him nor love him?

   All this time, her life had been a play. Orchestrated by fates larger and more powerful than her. Fates that couldn't have cared less about her. There was no way she'd marry him. She would never let him find her. She wasn't sure how she would ensure this, but she'd make it happen. She'd guarantee for her own sanity that King Archer would never lay a finger on her.

   She'd heard of him, naturally, being heir to her own throne she had to know these things. Only when she had first heard his name did she feel her body lock in fear and pray that her father would correct her and say it wasn't him. King Archer was said to be the most merciless man to walk their earth. He was a killer. A beast. Rumor had it, he'd been trained as a child by the late king to become the very fiend he was known as. He was powerful and yet his kingdom was one of the happiest, statistically, and far larger than the tiny kingdom of Aetheria.

   King Archer's father—the late king—had passed away in his sleep mere weeks ago. In fact, he'd died the day after Aurelia's birthday. June second. And though all hope was lost in the princess's eyes, she still ached for Archer in a way. She could never imagine losing her parents. Even after what they'd done to her.

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