Chapter 1: Aurelia Charming

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A dream is a wish your heart makes

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A dream is a wish your heart makes.

   Aurelia Charming pressed the gentlest of kisses to the bluebird's tiny head, urging it on from her balcony in the moonlight. She laughed softly to herself as she watched it clumsily flap its wings before soaring into the night sky.

   "Don't forget," she whispered, hoping the small animal would hear her even as it fluttered through the Lovelace Forest ahead. "Have courage and be kind."

   As if it had indeed heard her thrilling voice, the bird twittered through the air and the princess laughed again, resting her chin in the palm of her hand. Part of her knew her dream would never come true, but Aurelia Charming was a hopeful girl, just like her mother, Queen Cinderella. After the stories of her mother's past, Aurelia refused to lose hope. She would rather die with it than lose sight of the good in the world.

   Besides, what harm was there in wishing for a fairytale like her mother?

   Aurelia's eyes slowly carried a heaviness she recognised as exhaustion. All day, she had been out riding with Maximus, her horse. The two had encountered a few deer and warned them of the hunters headed their way, leading them through the Lovelace Forest and to safety, where the animals had thanked the princess, telling her they would never forget her kindness.

   A kindness she'd inherited from her mother, much like her appearance. Princess Aurelia took great pride in resembling her beautiful mother. She smiled instantly, once again filled with love for the woman that had raised her alongside King Charming. The two of them were as close as Mother and Daughter could get. They told one another everything, bonding a relationship that resembled that of best friends.

   It was precisely why Aurelia took such pride in being continuously reminded that she was practically identical to her mother. The two shared golden hair that shimmered under the sun's warmest rays; blue eyes that never failed to captivate even the coldest hearts; and a soul so good that people wondered whether they were angels or not.


   The whispered shout came from the gardens below. Princess Aurelia's eyes soon found the boy of her life. The one friend she had. A boy part of her father's Enchanted Heroes.

   A grin curved the blonde's lips as she met his stormy gaze. The chaos to her calm. The sharpness to her tenderness. The Rowan Winters to her Aurelia Charming.

   "What are you doing down there?" she called down to him, uncaring of the servants and guards that would storm into her room if she raised her voice by even an octave.

   Rowan tucked his tan-skinned hands into the pockets of his trousers, his white shirt unbuttoned at the top and the silk of it swaying ever so lightly in the breeze. His 5'11 frame hung tall, even under her. Aurelia giggled quietly to herself when he grinned broadly, flashing a row of white teeth.

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