Oompa Loompa

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(Name's) P.O.V
I laid awake in my bunk, thinking about what Abacus said and how Willy can't sell chocolate without a shop. It feel like every time we get any hope of being free from this washhouse, something keeps knocking us back down. Guess that I get for hoping that things were gonna get better one day.

I sigh and turn over in bed, grabbing my old teddy bear I've had since I was a child and snuggling it. "Girls? (Name)! Noodle! Pssst!" I heard Willy called. I reach my hand out to turn on my lamp and climb out of bed.

Noodle turns over in her bed, groaning as I went up to the window. "What is it, Willy?" I asked, looking over at his window. "Watch out!" Willy said and he held up what looks like a slingshot.

I yelp and duck out of the way as Willy shoots a line out of his window to me, attaching it to the bars of my window. Willy sets up a bucket and slides two jars of chocolate over to me. "What's this for?" I asked, picking up one of the jars as Noodle comes up to me.

"Your and Noodle's wages. A lifetime supply, remember?" Willy said, smiling as Noodle picks up the other jar. "You didn't have to do that." I said, looking over at him. "Of course I did. I gave you my word." Willy said and I stare at him, feeling my heart flutter just like it did earlier in the night.

"Well... thanks. I've got something for you too." I said, smiling. "Me?" Willy asked, raising his eyebrows. I stepped away from the window to set my jar down and got out a piece of paper to write the letter A on it, then rolled it up and place in the bucket, sliding it back along the line to Willy.

Willy picks up the paper, smiling at me then unrolls it, giving it a puzzle look. "What is this? A glass half-full?" He asked. "Other way up." I instructed and Willy turns the paper upside down. "A glass half-empty?"

I giggled and shook my head. "It's an A. Your first letter. I'm teaching you to read." I said. "Oh (Name)..." Willy said, appearing touched. "Well I can't have our business partner eaten by a tiger." I said and I notice Willy was about to correct me, so I said. "Or nearly eaten!"

"So we're still partners, then?" Willy asked, brightening up. "Sure, but I don't know how we're going to sell any chocolate." I said. "Yeah. Every time the police show up, you'd have to disappear..." Noodle added. "Like a magician?" Willy whispered. "Right!" Noodle replied.

"Yeah, but it's one thing when you're on stage. You've got ropes, pulleys, trapdoors... and there's none of those on the street." Willy said, then the light comes on in Piper's cell. "As a matter of fact, there are." She said, appearing in her window. "There's trapdoors all over the city. They're called storm drains. I'd be happy to show you around... if you cut me in on the action." She said, smiling.

Another light comes up from Larry's cell and he comes up to his window. "If you're recruiting, I'd do anything to get out of here and make up with my wife. I don't have any practical skills but..." He said and begins speaking in his underwater voice. "I can talk like I'm underwater!"

Lottie then switches on her light. "And if need someone to handle communications, I'm your woman." She announced, shocking all of us. "Lottie?" Willy said, amazed. "What? Why are you all staring at me?" Lottie asked, seeming clueless by our shocked expression.

"I did not know she could speak." Piper said to us. "I thought you were a mime." Larry said. "No, I actually used to worked at the telephone exchange. Back then I was quite the chatterbox. But since I came here, I haven't had much to shout about." Lottie explains, sadly.

Abacus then switches on his light. "Far be it from me to pour cold water on all your fun, but if Mrs. Scrubitt catches you trying to escape, you each get six months in the coop, so just think about that before getting involved in this hairbrained scheme."

Wonka: Sweeter Than Chocolate (Wonka x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now