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The Great Hall looked magnificent.

As usual, there were Hagrid's dozen Christmas trees covered in frost. Misletoes sprung almost everywhere now that the remaining of the students automatically glanced up on entering a new room or corridor so as to not fall into its bad luck.

Fred and George were clearly having the time of their lives. Telling everyone but Percy that his Prefect badge now read 'Pinhead'. They sniggered every time their eyes glanced on him. Even Percy had to admit (only to Eliza, that too, grumpily, on her insistance.) that he'd much rather spend the day with everyone than being holed up.

The twins mysteriously disappeared. When Eliza caught their eye as they were silently edging towards the exit, they waved Percy's badge, grinning mischievously at their victory.

Deeming it time, Percy very pompously announced that he was off to study in the dungeon. Of course, adding to his mischief of the year. This lie was just a teeny tiny one.

When Harry, Ron, and Hermione seemed too busy talking amongst themselves after the chess match Eliza and Ron played – she had to admit, she found someone of her match – she slipped away to the dungeon.

What felt like a very long time was indeed a very short one. Maybe Eliza felt like she didn't know Percy too well when she walked into the Potions classroom, where he was actually studying. She supposed twelve O.W.L.s didn't just come by themselves.

"When you said you were off, I really didn't expect you to brew a potion." Eliza said as she walked to his table, seating herself on the top as she watched him work.

Percy smiled weakly. He was obviously half hoping that Eliza would follow him here, maybe even continue what they left off in the morning.

"I'm a Prefect." He said sarcastically. "I don't have time for anything else."

"You were not saying that in the morning."

"I suppose I have my moments." Percy said, scrunching up his nose as too much Salamander blood slipped into the concoction, giving a bad odor.

"Can you pass me that?" He added, pointing to a vial of pink liquid which was on the far end of the table, closer to Eliza.

"Why?" Eliza questioned as she handed him over. She recognized his potion but didn't know why he was asking that particular ingredient. As far as she knew, it was not needed.

"To dilute the blood." Percy replied, knowledgeable.

"I feel like kissing you hard whenever you're studying. You're so bloody hot when you're concentrating." Eliza said unbashed by her words.

Percy frowned, but he did so while going pink. "Alexandera, complimenting me won't work every time you know?"

"Maybe." Eliza started with a grin. "But I can get a kiss from you now."

Percy smiled sheepishly and shook his head. "Don't distract me, please." He said weakly.

"On the contrary, I think I should." Eliza said, smirking.

Percy gulped. He didn't dislike the idea of it, but it made his heart beat wildly.

"Alexandera, I —"

He couldn't. He simply couldn't. He could bear himself to say those words.

"Yeah?" Eliza said, looking at him grinning, completely oblivious to his dilemma.

"I – yes, I would very much like that." He covered instead, blushing profusely, completely ignoring his potion.

Eliza chuckled, pulling him closer and kissing him deeply. She liked him so much that she didn't even know it was humanely possible.

Their kiss became more passionate as Percy, still jumbled in his thoughts, kissed her back, pulling her waist closer to him, leaning on her.

So, Eliza pushed herself back, sitting on her elbows when her elbow accidentally hit the bubbling cauldron, spilling the contents.

"What the—" Eliza hissed as the potion stained her robes, sticking to her skin, creating boils all over.

"Oh crap!" Percy exclaimed worriedly, holding Eliza's hand closer as the boils grew steadily.

It was hurting Eliza, but it was bearable. "I think we should go up to the hospital wing." She said, sliding off the table.

"Y-You go, I'll clean this up." Percy said, Eliza sped along the dungeons, hurrying to the hospital wing.

As soon as she came out into the open from the last step, a voice called out to her.

"Hey – El – You!" A Slytherin boy said.

Eliza narrowed her eyes at him.

"We've forgotten the way to our common room." He continued stupidly.

"Our common room? Are you blind? I'm Gryffindor." Eliza said stiffly and walked away, resisting to touch the boils on her hand.

Soon, she made it to the hospital, Madam Pomfrey, waving her wand and stopping the growth, popping them. It pained, but Eliza silently clenched her jaw to handle it.

Bandaging her arm, she was sitting silently as the Hogwarts matron was tending to her.

Suddenly, Percy appeared, looking back over his shoulder and looking concerned.

"Are you okay?" He rambled on. "Is she okay?" He asked Madam Pomfrey.

Taping the plaster finally, Madam Pomfrey nodded. "You may go." She added to Eliza.

As they walked out side by side, he turned to her. "Alexandera, you're fine, aren't you?"

Eliza laughed lowly, "Yes, Percy, I am. You don't need to worry so much."

  "But I do."

     "And I love the fact that you do."


The Christmas season ended, and much to Eliza's dismay, her alone time with Percy was over.

As days passed by, she found herself randomly staring at him, without his notice during classes. Claire had to point it out several times, and even James and Rehan noticed it.

"You're so in love with him. Why don't you just tell him already?" Claire said one day, startling Eliza so much that she sprayed her water on her Charms homework.

It looked like romance was picking up every corner.

Rehan and Oliver spent so much time together in the library or out that the three of them suspected something had happened over the break with each other. Though they were careful not to call Rehan out because they didn't know when he would snap.

"Guys?" James said one fine evening as the four of them studied late night in the common room.

The three of them looked up to him questioningly.

"What are you three doing for Hogsmeade before Valentines Day?" He asked.

"Er – I'm going with Percy for a while." Eliza replied.

"I don’t have plans." Claire said, shrugging.

"Well... I think I have... plans." Rehan said.

"What!?" The three of them said together, making the fifth years in the room to glare at them.

Rehan rolled his eyes. "It's not exactly plans. Oliver asked if he could join us because... well... he always used to use Hogsmeade trips for Quidditch rather than leisure, so, for a change, he wanted to come with us, instead, you know, alone." He concluded.

James stared at him, shocked. This was almost as good as Rehan admitting he liked Oliver, but that day was still very far off. Then, he smirked.

"Alright, he can join us, only if you promise to not smooch him in front of me and Claire."

LIFELINE | 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙮 𝙒𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें