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[another implied lemon. With a terny bit more description. Ahem]

The next day, Dean and Cas mostly avoided each other. They ate at separate times, left the house at separate times, and mostly just kept to their respective bedrooms. It pained them both, but they couldn't face each other (gods I'm so cliche ugh) and so they stayed away.

The next day, Cas woke up and went downstairs for breakfast, finding Dean already sitting at the table, eating some pancakes. "There's more if you want," he said, not looking up. Cas walked into the kitchen and stacked some pancakes on plate, spreading some peanut butter between them before adding some maple syrup and walking back out to the dining room.

Dean was still there, eating silently. He hated the awkward tension between the two friends, and knew that he had to do something to try and mend their friendship as best he could. He was, after all, the one who had instigated the kiss.

Cas looked up from his phone, which he had pulled out. "Supreme Court made a ruling."

"On what?" Dean asked.

"Same-sex marriage. It's now legal in every state, no matter what." (alright I tried to avoid a specific day but I needed to have some small talk so...yeah. Now you've got a general date.)

"Really?" Dean looked up, interested.

"Yeah." They lapsed back into silence. Finally, Dean looked up at Cas.

"So...about the uh..."

"Yeah, lets just forget about it. Leave it, go back to being good friends." Cas said. Dean sighed. "Yeah. Ok."

He had been hoping to tell Cas he liked him, but now he figured that wasn't an option. Cas finished his pancakes and stood up, walking out of the room. Right before he left, he muttered, "Dean, I like you. A lot."

He had meant to say it softly, but Dean, who had stood up and was closer than Castiel had realized, heard what he said. Spinning him around, Dean planted another kiss on Cas, deeper than last time. Startled, Cas pulled away, but instantly kissed him again.

To avoid feeling like he was reading a fanfiction about his life, which the idea of made him very uncomfortable since he often read explicit fanfiction, he simply kissed Dean and nothing more, just enjoying the release of all his stress and worries. No tongue, no slipping hands under shirts, no pulling Dean away to his bedroom. And somehow, Dean sensed this and did the same.

Pulling away, Dean and Cas smiled at each other. "Dean, play me a song."


"Sing me a song from your album. Any song."

And so Dean began singing a song, which Castiel soon recognized as "Angel Wings" from the album with the same name.

And baby can't you see

You light my life in every way

And though we may be different

I'll love you anyway

And when I see your face

I cannot ever seem to believe

That you do not have

Sparkling angel wings

Cas smiled. He had always loved that song. It was so simple and perfect-just like an angel.


The next day, Dean and Castiel went on their first official date. It was a stereotypical, very cliche date, and the fact made them both laugh. When they got home, the two called up Sam and Gabe, who assured them they were having fun. Apparently, they had gone to many amazing restaurants. They had also gone out to see a few new movies.

Angel Wings (SPN) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now