Chapter 17: A wise advise

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Butter spent the rest of the day sleeping. Unlike the first couple of times when he had used the spell, this time around, it took him a few hours just to feel normal. Even after that, the kitten just laid in his spot looking outside. Never in his centuries of existence had he felt so alone and worthless. 

What worried him most was not him using the spell more than once and turning into a vegetable but Pepper having to go through her life without (ever) falling in love.

"Let love enter a Heart." Butter mouthed the last sentence of the prophecy he had memorised oh-so-long ago. "Ms. Poppy was a brave soul, but her command over the English language wasn't something to boast about." He shook his head, ran his eyes around the room and found his bag of treats neatly tucked in a corner by the dressing mirror. The clock on the dresser told him that it was 5 pm. He hadn't had even a drop of water since 9 am when he had sent his mistress off with Sal. The thought drew his attention to the lawn. 

"Where did everyone go?" Butter pressed his ears to the windowpane. Nothing. The canopy and the rest of the decorations still stood swaying in the evening breeze. The sun was at the horizon, ready to take leave, but Pepper was still not back. 

Had Sal kidnapped her? 

Unlikely, Pepper had magic on her side. 

Had Pepper decided she had had enough of Butter and left, abandoning him here? 

No way, thought Butter. Pepper would never do that. 

Then, what was keeping her? 

The familiar was tempted to use the spell. But he held himself back. He would never become Pepper's clutch. After all, if his mistress found love, he would die, and she would have to get used to a life without him anyway. 

Deciding that it would worry his mistress if she returned and saw that her adorable B had neglected his meal, he took care of his grumbling tummy. It didn't make him feel better, though. As uncertainty and anxiety gawked at his heart, he remembered something he had heard both magic folk and humans talk about. Meditation.

Butter had never tried it. He believed it to be one of those boring things that people who had nothing to do did to pass the time and feel productive while at it. Well, this was as good a time as any to give it a shot, right?


Butter sat on his hind legs, his spine erect and front paws perpendicular to the floor. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and emptied his mind. 

Two minutes later, as expected, he fell asleep. 

When Pepper entered the room, she saw Butter waiting for her. Finally visible, he felt like a brand new kitten and concluded that Meditation was brilliant. He decided that if they came out of this ordeal as winners, he would teach this magic trick to his mistress. Right now, though, he was ready to hear all the gossip his mistress was willing to share. 

"I missed you!" Pepper said, picking up the furball and cuddling him. "You won't believe all that's happened since I left you here." She gasped. "Oh dear, have you had anything to eat?"

"I just look tiny, my lady; did you forget?" Butter said, tapping her shoulder, gesturing her to look at his empty bowl of food. "I won't recommend taking a dip in the pool. I may have peed in it. Accidentally, of course."

"That's disgusting, B." Pepper made a face. It made the kitten smile. He reckoned that his mistress must have had a good day. 

"So, how was your day?" The feline demanded, struggling in her arms, signaling to be returned to his spot. 

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