Chapter 21: Confession

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Pepper turned around slowly, and so did the kitten cuddled up in the cradle of his mistress's arms. "Sal?" they said in unison.

But the said man only had eyes for Butter. He walked and then ran till he was in front of the witch and her familiar. "Hey, little one." His voice was soothing to the kitten's ears, reminding him of the balm his mum applied on his horse riding injuries when he was still human...when he had a mother.

"Hey, Sal," Butter said, looking up at the man who had won him over. "Thank you for taking care of the bill."

Pepper's lips fell open.

The kitten side-eyed his mistress. "It's alright, my lady. I trust Sal. He won't do anything to put you in a tough spot," he reassured her in a small voice, a testament to his deteriorating health.

"Thank you, Mr. Hart. I will transfer the amount-"

"Fine. Do it, but at least give me a chance to explain myself."

"Please, my lady," Butter pleaded. "Consider this your parting gift to me."

"Butter, you are not dying. I won't let you." A fresh bout of tears welled up in the witch's eyes. "You are immortal."

"I am like milk that's been kept out for too long, my lady. I will curdle before you know it. I have been with Woodgrips all my life. As a favor to me, for the loyalty I have shown to you and your ancestors, can't you hear the man out? I promise, if you want to walk away from him after that, I won't hold it against you."

"B, I hope this is not a trick to make me stay."

The doubt in his mistress's eyes hurt Butter. More so because he knew he deserved it. "No, no more tricks, just plain old truth."

"Fine. I am all ears, but let's get some coffee first."

Butter scrunched up his nose at the blue walls and dead-looking furniture of the place his mistress had chosen to have the talk. "Mistress, do we have to talk here? Can't we go back to the resort?"

"Absolutely not. The doctor has advised that you be kept under observation a little longer."

"But I am already-"

"Please, don't make me snap my fingers."

"Understood, my lady." Butter bobbed his head, and the motley group of three took a seat away from the counter. From the looks of the place, he could bet that the beverages on offer would be horrible. Yes, the kitten was totally judging the book by its cover, but his life as he had known it, was ending, he could get away with a little pessimism, could he not?

"I will get us coffee," Sal offered and left them, only to return minutes later with three steaming cups in a tray that reminded him of his bowl.

Once all three had sipped the terrible drink and Pepper commanded Butter not to have any more of his, Sal said, "Nine years ago, you saved a boy from drowning in an open manhole on your way back from school."

Pepper started tapping her left foot on the white tiles arithmetically. "Yes, I remember. But what's that got to do with us?"

"Everything. You never saw his face, did you?"

"No, Mr. Hart, his face wasn't the cleanest and I was in a hurry." The witch paused. "Wait, how did you-"

"That day was the first time I saw you and Butter."

"You were that boy?"

"Yes, but I didn't see your face either. I did see Butter, though."

"It could have been another cat."

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