in the hearts

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"How many of you freaks will I have to fight?" Adam groaned as he got up, his mask half broken

Lucifer approached "oh i'm the only one that matters. You see you mess with my daughter and now i am going to fuck you!" He said with a huge grin on his face

Everyone stayed quiet, nothing was heard and you were questioning your admiration to this fallen angel

"It's fuck you up, dad." Charlie corrected "wait. What did I say?" Lucifer asked

He didn't have time to get an answer, as Adam attacked him with pure rage "so this is what you've been up to since Eden? I have to say you really let yourself go buddy." Lucifer spoke while hitting Adam, with the least bit of effort

"You? Judging me? You're the most hated being in all creation." Adam said irritatedly as he was trying to put a hit on him

Lucifer wasn't easy on him though "well your first wife didn't seem to hate what i had to offer. Or the second." He said teasingly

They continued fighting in the sky. Meanwhile Charlieran to help one of her friends "Charlie. No. Stay there." You called as you flew to her

But it was late. Adam blew a giant hit which destroyed the whole hotel and Charlie fell into the split

You flew to her and Lucifer did too. You both caught her "I got you." He said and smiled at her, then looked at you for a second

"Dad! Watch out." Charlie warned as she saw Adam coming behind Lucifer's back. She used her power to stop his hit and you blew him a hit, sending him to the ground

Lucifer's form completely changed "you come at me, and my daughter. Don't forget you're in my house. Bitch!" He said while punching him and laughing hysterically

Charlie held Lucifer's shoulder "dad. Stop. He's had enough." She said, making him calm down and looked at the bloodied man face

"Have mercy tase you little shit." He said as he walked away

Adam got out of the hole and started talking stupid things. In the same time, you saw Nifty stabbing a dead angel on the ground

You walked to her and pointed at Adam "that's an angel over there." You whispered and she ran behind him

She stabbed him and made him fall on the ground, life slowly draining out of him

Lute saw him, and quickly ran "Adam!" She screamed when she saw the painful smile he had on his face

"If you don't mind. You can fuck off now." You said, crossing your arms over your chest

She stood up and looked you in the eyes "you bitch. Not only you broke the rules of heaven, but you also betrayed us. You'll pay for this." She said angrily

"Yeah I would pay, if only you had a hand I can put the money in." You answered pulling out your tongue at ger

Lucifer stepped to the front "it over. Take your friend and go home!. Please." He ordered in a threatening yet calm tone

Shegroned and grabed Adam's... "all exercists fall back." She said as she flew up to the portal

After the portal closed, Lucifer turned to the others "so. Who's up for pancakes?" He asked

"I'm up to know about what's going on here." Angel Dust said as he crossed two of his arms and held one of your wings with the other

You rubbed your arm with your hand "well..." you were about to talk but Vaggie stepped in "now's not the time Angel." She said

"You knew about this?" He asked, pointing at her and she nodded "fine. But you better tell us." He said and then ran to get his pig

Charlie looked around the place, and saw a band when they celebrated sir Pencious's first week in the hotel

His fallen angel (ALASTOR X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now