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It's been two days since you came to hell. You were a little sad because you didn't get to meet Lucifer yet. But there was something else on your mind right now

"Why of all people, I had to go with you?" You asked, walked with Alastor to the weapon market

He shrugged his shoulders "since you're so good at choosing weapons, and since Carmilla is an overlord, I had to come along." He answered 

You just rolled your eyes and kept walking behind him. You were actually curious to know who killed the first angel in the last extermination

"Heyo! Carmilla! Open this door!" Alastor called out with his radio voice "we still need some stuff." He added

The electric door opened and you both went in "how i hate technology. It makes us men look less... gentle." The radio demon whined

You raised a brow at him "what do you mean?" You asked

"A man is supposed to open the door for a lady. But how am i supposed to open this thing when it's filled of that technology?" He said

You didn't bother to answer since you got used to them, but looks like he's loyal to his 90s style and life

"What do you want, Alastor?" Carmila asked, coming down from the stairs 

He placed his hands behind his back "just some extra angelic steel and weapons." He answered

She looked at you for a moment then nodded. She walked you to the room where she keeps the weapons "pick whatever you want." She said

You entered and started looking around. Her helpers were with you, helping you with your things

"Seems like she's an expert in these." Carmilla pointed as she noticed how precise you were in picking the things

Aslator was also looking around "yes. From what I know, she was a military soldier back in the 90s. A strong one that is." He answered

Carmila kept looking at you "but why isn't she an overlord then, if she's this powerful?" She asked "i've never seen her in hell before." She added

Alastor looked at the white haired demon "just say what's on your mind." He said, when he saw her suspicious look

"That sign. On her shoulder." She pointed out, when you moved your hair to the side a little "that's an angelic sign. That woman is an angel, am I right?" She continued

The radio demon looked at her proudly "as sharp as always my friend. But this thing better not come out." He warned, ina  somewhat menacing voice

She gave him a confused look "and why not?" She asked, crossing her arms on her chest.

Now his face turned creepy and darker "because, i, said, so." He said, tilting his head with a smile

"Hey. Smile freak. Do you need any weapons? Or are you just gonna stand there smiling until they take a black and white pic of you?" You asked while holding a sword

He had his back to you, he just turned his head slightly and looked at you with the corner of his eye "i'm good with what i have." He answered

Once you were done, you left Carmilla's house and made your way to the hotel

On the way, you couldn't help but to comment "honestly, you were so helpful there." You said boredly

He looked flattered "thank you my dear. I'm glad that my presence was a help." He said proudly

You rolled your eyes at him "i'm not serious obviously. All you did was talk to that lady and kept that useless smile." You said

He laughed slightly "my dear. Instead of commenting on my smile, you should try to do the same. You're never fully dressed without one." He said as he poked you on the nose

His fallen angel (ALASTOR X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now