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"Yes honey?"

"Who's... Lucifer?"

"Lucifer? Why are you asking?"

"I heard some angels talk about him. They were saying we should be carefull or they'll end up like Lucifer, who is he?"

"Honey, Lucifer is... a bad person. He used to be an angel and lived in heaven just like us, but he did some bad things so as a punishment, he was sent to hell."

"Bad thing? So if anyone does any bad things they go to hell?"

"Yes, y/n. Lucifer is a bad person. And all his people are as bad as him."

"What did he do exactly?"

"He... broke the rules, acted on free will, that ruined the order of heaven. He was slightly punished, but he didn't learn from his mistake, he broke the rules again and did an unforgivable sin and ended up fallen."

"I still don't get it. What was that bad thing he did?"

"You're still too young to understand, y/n. You'll grow up and learn at some point."

Years later 

I was passing by the door where the angels were having a meeting. I usually don't interfere with what they talk, but it's like i was destined to be there on that meeting

As I passed by, I heard the annoying laughter of Adam "HAH! DAMN! The extremination was fucking AWSOME!"

I blinked a few times, did i hear him right? Did he just say extermination?

"And guess what. Lucifer's brat was talking to me about some... hotel she made. HA! She said it's to redeem sinners. She thinks they can just come up here after all they did in the pit of hell." He laughed hardly

There's no way I could be wrong. But I don't get it. Have they been going down to hell and killing demons?

"And did you tell her about the next extermination date? That it will be in six months?" I heard a voice, and it can't be mistaken. It's Sera. She also knows about this?

"Yes. And you should've seen the look on that bitch. HAHA. Like her dreams are even worse than her own father." Adam replied. A new date of extermination? How long have they been doing this?

As I was about to leave, I heard another voice "they found the body, sir. They never managed to kill one of us before. That's not good." I'm sure that's Lute

Wait! Killed one of us? So we actually die? And... the demons killed one of us? What's going on in this place?

When i heard no more talking, i quickly flew away, trying to think straight, but a cheerful voice took me out of my thoughts

"Y/N!" It was my favorite little angel "hi Em... what's up?" I said as she hugged me

When she broke the hug, she gave me her bright smile "nothing. I was just bored so I thought you could tell me some of your stories." She said happily

I nodded my head, that was foggy with millions of questions, and sat on one of the clouds, she sat next to me and started listening as i told her a story

As I was doing so, I saw Adam and Lute walking out of that room. No wonder no one was allowed to come near it. But i won't stay quiet on such things

"Y/n? Why'd you stop, continue." Em said, bringing me out of my thoughts "oh, yeah sorry i zoned out." I chuckled

I continued the story and she fell asleep on my laps, so i had no choice but to hold her and take her to her room

"Oh, hi y/n." Sera said as she saw me entering their house. Suddenly i don't feel the respect i used to have for her

His fallen angel (ALASTOR X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now