Chapter 7: Meeting

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No one's POV
Judy is in her apartment, which is a brand new one, and it also has a lot more space than her old one in Grand Pangolin Arms Apartment.

After she solved the Night howler case, that plagued Zootopia. Judy was rewarded by a new apartment to her liking since then prejudice and discrimination were no longer affected by the citizens in Zootopia between Prey and Predators alike in the city.

Judy's POV
It has been a few days since I met this armored mammal named Lingard, and yet I do not know what animal even he is.
'I wonder if Lingard is a prey or predator... He is probably predator by my guess.' I pondered to myself, deep in my thoughts, while sitting on the soft couch and drinking a mango smoothie.

I didn't break Lingard's promise to not tell anybody that I see him on the rooftop of a bank in Sahara Square where the hostage situation occurred.

"I wish I could talk to Lingard again." I muttered under my breath while I finished slurping my mango smoothie before I headed to the kitchen to throw away the plastic cup into the trash can.

'There's so many questions regradless to Lingard... I'm going to guess that he is a... Polar Bear?... Wait... A tiger... Gosh. I am going to have to ask what Lingard's species is.'
My mind is filled with me, guessing the species of Lingard. His height is like the same as a wolf, possibly a fully grown adult tiger even.

I then shook my head before picking up the remote for the TV. I pressed the "On" button before my flat screen TV is now on. I saw the news channel while I sat down on my couch.

"Breaking News: The hostage situation in the Sahara Square bank got escalated quickly a few days. The terrorists were all found unconscious on the floor. Witnesses say that the lights in the bank suddenly went off before an unknown mammal took me out." I watched the news intently, remembering something recently on the bank a few days ago.

'Did Lingard do this? Probably yes.' I pondered to myself because no other mammal entered the bank a few days ago.
My deep thoughts were interrupted by the knock on my door.

"Hmm... Who could that probably be?" I stood up from my couch before walking up to my door.

No One's POV
Judy opened the door, her eyes widening in surprise to see... Lingard is standing there.

The grey bunny let him into her apartment as Judy was puzzled on how Lingard found where she lived.
Did he follow her? Probably because Lingard thinks that he doesn't trust her.

"What are you doing here? How did you know where I lived?" Judy interrogated the human as she closed the door, locking it to ensure that nobody would get in.
"Let's just say that I followed you," Lingard said to the grey bunny. Judy's eyes narrowed at the armored human as she crossed her arms to him.

'He is probably ensuring that I won't tell anybody... Why is he so secretive? Unless...' The grey bunny thinks for a moment before speaking again.
"Are you a ZBI agent?" Judy interrogates Lingard in a suspicious manner.

"N-no, but I'll explain myself... if you let me." The armored human could feel tension already between her as Judy interrogates him.

Lingard's POV
Judy and I sat down for a talk, but I scanned the walls, feeling relieved that the walls on Judy's apartment are thick, meaning we could speak as loud as we want.

"Alright, Lingard. Start explaining yourself." The grey bunny waited for my explanation.
She stared at him with her purple eyes. I could fill the sweat on my chest, but thanks to my cooling system in my suit. I felt relief before releasing a sigh before I spoke to her.

"Okay... I have one question for you... Do you believe or know about humans?" When I asked her that question. Judy raised an eyebrow at him, which makes her confused.
'Oh great. I fumbled... But I'm taking the risk, and I'll take my chances to put my thrust towards Judy.' I thought deeply as this could be a good or a bad idea to show her who I am.

"Lingard... What's a hoo... What's a hooman?" She asked while trying to pronounce it in an incorrect way.
'Oh wait... They don't know about my species? Oh god. I'm going to have to explain my kind to her.' I think to myself whether or not. I should show her my face but then... I decided not to.

"Can I explain in your classified terms... You know... How do mammals labeled each other here in Zootopia?" I inquired, causing Judy's perplexed expression to be gone.

"Oh, uh... Okay. Lingard. Are you a prey or predator?" She asked me, causing me to pondered for a while since humans are omnivores  that eat both meat and plants.
"I'm both. Judy, because I eat meat and plants... But for the sake of identification. I choose: Predator," I explained to myself in a sheepish manner because that might be what I am in terms of identification.

"Okay... I'm still curious about "Humans" thought. Do you have the time to explain that?" Judy inquires as I could sense curiosity in her tone.
"That's would be a lot for you to take in... Also, could you do me a favor?" I am now asking for her help now to adjust in this bustling city.

"Sure. What is it?" She then grabbed a notepad, writting down on it with a carrot pen.
"If you want me to come out in the open... I need you to bring me an animal disguise, specifically a wolf head," I requested, knowing that at some point where I have to come out and not hide forever from the public now.

"Hmm... I guess I'll consider getting you one." Judy gave me a firm nod, agreeing to my request.

"Thanks, Judy." I thanked her because now I can finally not hide now.

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