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GRACE WASN'T PERFECT, but still, everyone in the school thought the opposite. She was really popular, very pretty and had a killer attitude, and in McKinley High, where everything is about labels, she was perfection. 

Ever since she started glee club, she tried to avoid the topic in the halls, her reputation was very important to her. She was being selfish? maybe, she felt terrible about it, but she worked so hard to get where she was, on top. 

"Morning Mr. Schuester!" the cheerio greated. 

her teacher smiled at her. "Buenos días, Grace."

While walking down the parking lot, on her way to school, she heard her teacher again saying good morning to Kurt, who was standing by a dumpster with Puck and his friends. 

"Buenos nachos, Mr. Schue." Puckerman said with his arm on top of Kurt's shoulders. 

Their teacher walked away laughing. 

"Hey Kurt!" the blonde yelled when Puck turned around ready to throw the kid into the dumpster. She couldn't see him, but she was sure that he wasn't pleased. "Hello, Noah." she said in a very intimidating tone if you ask Puck, he felt like when his mom got angry at him for not cleaning his room. 

The guy with the mohawk didn't even turned around to see her, he let Kurt go. "Get out of here man." 

Kurt got out of the situation quickly, walking with Grace with their arms intertwined. 

"Thank you."

"Anytime. if he messes with you again, tell me. I'll kick his ass." the girl smiles. 

She meant it, she really did. Kurt was one of her friends now, since they both went to the Lima Bean cafe and talked about Broadway shows and dream roles for the whole afternoon.

Yes, Grace was a Broadway kid; she wouldn't mind acknowledging it, well, depending on who asks.

"Grace!" her best friend yelled at her when she saw her in the halls. 

"Oh, oh. Angry Santana, I gotta go." she said with a grimace. "See you later!"

The latina girl fake smiled at her and they started walking together, with their pinkies intertwined. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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bad idea right? - finn hudson / jesse st. jamesWhere stories live. Discover now