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𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝑔𝒾𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 

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𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝑔𝒾𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 


THE SUN was already up and blazing when Grace's alarm clock rudely interrupted her beauty sleep. The first day of sophomore year after summer break.

Summer breaks in Lima, Ohio weren't exactly the most fun, the only fun about it was not doing homework or getting up early, or at least that's what Grace thinks. 

Everyone's brains were still in summer mode though, some of them were even in their flip flops and shorts, well, not Grace. 

With her high ponytail and her Cheerios uniform she walked into the school halls feeling powerful, all thanks to cheerleading camp. 

"Looking hot there Grace." someone said behind her while pulling her stuff out of her locker. 

"Santana!" the blonde hugged her best friend, she missed her too much. 

They both walked through the school talking about their summer, she didn't spoke to anyone in the whole break, because of the camp. 

Once they reached their classroom, they were happy to be in the same class, Mr. Schuester's Spanish class. 

Santana was Latina, so she didn't have a problem with the subject, and neither did Grace; her mom was from Spain, and sometimes they had conversations in Spanish. Not to mention, her mom was a substitute teacher, and she was good.

Mr. Schuester, on the other hand, was not very good at it. He usually struggles to clearly explain grammar rules, vocabulary, or concepts. He's also not very aware of the hispanic culture, and that is something that pisses off Santana and Grace. 

"Okay, guys, I know you all are still in summer vibes and all, but let's begin" Mr. Shue started to write in the board some common grammar rules, while the two cheerios didn't paid much attention. "Como esta usted?, yo me llamo Guillermo." He said so they can repeat after him. 

"Does he know that he actually doesn't have to change his name?" The blonde whispered to the brunette, they both laughed. 

Everybody repeated what Mr. Shue said, struggling. 

"Que lástima! Ojalá se sienta mejor." He kept saying, Santana and Grace just looked at each other cringing. 

The students repeated struggling even more, specially the boy behind them. 

Finn Hudson, also known as the star quarterback and one of the most popular kids in school. 

"Hey Finn." The blonde turned around greeting her friend. 

bad idea right? - finn hudson / jesse st. jamesWhere stories live. Discover now