S1E9 "Weird Science Fair"

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After the ending of the last episode, everyone chatted for a bit before the next 'episode' started.

Phoebe and Cherry were talking animatedly, while Tara, Max, and Allison were quietly talking about other things, Max being the quietest during the discussion.

The parents simply watched everyone talk, not bothering to talk themselves, instead choosing to watch their children behave when they are in their own comfort zones.

"Before we start, I'm going to add a few more people in. And don't be scared, non-supes. By the way, get ready to move around, I'm changing seats." Arrow said, which confused those in said group.

A second went by, then six figures stood in front of them after a brief flash of light.

"Max? Phoebe? What are we doing here?" A brunette teen asked.

"'Sup, guys. What's goin' on?" A brunette around Billy and Nora's age asked.

"Dad, why are there so many people?" Another teen asked.

"Hathaways, Prestons, sit down. For the latter, I made it to where they can see you. Yes, I can do that." Arrow spoke. "And introduce yourself."

"Taylor." She sat in a now empty seat in the middle of Max and Phoebe, Cherry having moved to sit next to Oyster because she was moved there.

"Frankie, and I'm the coolest person here." She sat in the seat between Nora and Billy, both having been moved.

"I like her." Tara said idly.

"I'm Michelle Hathaway, single mom trying to provide for my girls." She moved and sat in the back row, next to Bradford.

"I'm... Ray Preston. Musician." He sat next to Michelle.

"I'm Miles!" He waved before taking a seat next to his dad.

"Louie." Then he sat behind Frankie.

(A/N: Last-last seating chart at the end. Hopefully.)

{Episode starts}

[Phoebe walks into the kitchen while Billy and Nora work at the table]

Phoebe: Hey, guys, whatcha doin'?

{Phoebe opens the fridge door]

Billy: Working on our project for the school science fair.

Max glares at the screen, which gets a look from both Tara and Allison.

[Phoebe grabs a bottle and shuts the door before moving to them]

Phoebe, excitedly: Oh, my gosh! I love science fairs!

"We know." Billy and Nora say blankly, at the same time.

[Billy and Nora give each other looks, as Phoebe continued]

Phoebe, excitedly: They've got all the fun of homework mixed with the thrill of academic competition!

"Yes! Exactly!" Miles agreed, motioning towards the Phoebe on screen while the girl in question just smiled.

[A second]

Phoebe: That sounded a lot cooler in my head.

"Don't worry, Pheebs, it sounded great." Cherry shoots a thumbs up her way, which Phoebe turns to smile at.

[Nora looks at Phoebe]

Nora: I'm making a potato clock. Check it out.

[Nora turns to a potato and uses her laser vision on it, turning it into French fries while Phoebe takes a sip of water]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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