S1 E8 "You Stole My Thunder, Man"

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"Before we start, Allison, can we talk to you?" Debbie asks, motioning between herself and her husband. Moving to a huddle, Allison looks at them.

"Honey, we know you care about Max, even if it's against your father's wishes, but you have to stop insulting people. We get that they mistreat Max, but you have to slow down what you say to only when it is too big to ignore."

"As much as I don't like the Elf, he is smart, and he is funny, but you are being cruel to his family. I like the cruelness, but only when it's appropriate. Every sentence that comes from the screen is not appropriate to comment on."


"No, Allie-Wallie, no. No buts. If you do it without it being warranted, you will be grounded for two weeks each time you do it. Understand?" Debbie puts her foot down, giving her daughter a look.

Allison sighs and nods. "Yes, mom."

She gives a smile then kisses her head. "Good. I love you, sweetie."

"Love you too, mom."

They sit back down in their seats, Max giving her a look of hidden worry. She flashes him a smile. "Ready to start?" Arrow asks, and gets nods.,


[In the Thunderman kitchen, we see Billy and Nora eating at the table, Max sitting on the counter, and Barb in a stool at the bar as Hank walks in through the side door]

Allison gives him a look. "On the counter, Max? Really?"

Max rolls his eyes. "Yes, Allison, on the counter. One, it shows that I don't care about manners mostly because I don't care about manners because I am a supervillain, and two, it's better than sitting on the spikes they call chairs at the table." He shifts on the couch, slightly uncomfortable at the memory.

Allison sighs but nods anyways. It was disrespectful sitting on the counter, but she was going to be honest, he looked really good doing it. Why did Max have to look good almost all the time?

"You look really good, Max." Sarah breathes out heavily, which gets a look of warning from Allison that doesn't faze her. They all go back to watching.

Hank: Morning, Thunder-fam.

[Hank closes the door and leans down to Billy's level, showing some baseball gloves]

Hank: Hey, Billy, I found our gloves, huh? How about a little catch with the old man?

Billy: No, thanks, dad. Last time, you kept throwing the ball over the wall.

"What's so bad about that?" Debbie asked.

Hank, confused: So?

Billy: The Great Wall of China, dad.

"Oh, I see where the problem is there." Debbie replied to her own question.

[Billy gets up, pushes his chair in, then walks to the bar and sits down next to Barb]

[Max puts his bowl down and gets a ball, Phoebe walking downstairs in the background]

Max: Hey, dad, I'll play catch with you.

Allison smiles a bit but has a feeling that this was going to take a negative turn.

[Hank sets the gloves down, then looks at Max]

Hank: Oh.

[Hank tosses the ball to Max, who catches it]

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