Choosing People

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(Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. The people reacting are from the episodes after Max and Allison get together. Max has not met Allison's parents yet. Thank you for reading this story.)

A kid around 14 or 15 was seen sitting at a desk writing down in his journal. He was writing down names of the people he wanted to bring to a magical theater using his mystical (writing) powers. The list was:

-Link Evilman
-Phoebe Thunderman (Thunder Girl)
-Cherry Seinfeld
-Max Thunderman (Dr. Colosso on Max's left shoulder)
-Nora Thunderman (Laser Girl)
-Billy Thunderman (Kid Quick)
-Hank Thunderman (Thunderman)
-Barb Thunderman (Electress)
-Chloe Thunderman (Thunder Baby)

-Principal Tad Bradford
-Super President Kickbutt
-Tara Campbell
-Cole Campbell
-Debbie (Allison's mom)
-Gary (Allison's dad)
-Dark Mayhem (locked in a cell)

He had the list done so now all he had to do was bring them there. He teleported to the theater and up to the hidden control box. He made his way through the room until he got to the character teleporter. He input those he wanted and which years and waited.

Movie Theater

Max and Allison were on a date when Max looked over and saw Allison gone. He felt his hand tingling then looked down at himself before disappearing. Sarah was watching from afar (stalking Max) when she also felt a tingling feeling. She felt herself disappear.

Thunderman Household

Nora was shooting lasers at Billy with Barb in the kitchen making dinner and Hank with Chloe sitting on the couch. Barb looked up from where she was cooking and noticed that everyone was gone. She started panicking, what if a villain got them? She felt tingling and looked down before watching as her body disappeared. Dr. Colosso was in the lair wondering where the stomping went when he disappeared without even a tingle.

Hong Kong

Link had just finished saving someone when he felt his still stretched out arm go completely numb. He tried to pull it back but learned that it had vanished! He felt a tingling all throughout his body before disappearing into thin air.

Hiddenville Mall

Phoebe, Cherry, and Maddy were walking through the mall when Pheobe looked over to see Cherry and Maddy missing. She spun around a few times before feeling her arm tingle then vanished.

Hiddenville High School - Gym

Wolfgang, Oyster, and Gideon were getting a lecture from Principal Bradford about how their music was too loud and they needed to go elsewhere. The problem was, nothing was hooked up so they could not play music. Principal Bradford threw his head back dramatically before looking down and seeing nobody there. He chuckled before feeling a tingling then vanished.

Hero League HQ - President's Office

Super President Kickbutt was doing paperwork when she felt a tingle in her arm. She sighed. She was too old for this stuff.

Campbell Estate

Tara and Cole were arguing again. Tara had walked into Cole's room and tried to take something but Cole caught her and an argument ensued. During the argument Cole started feeling a tingling sensation but brushed it off. Tara watched as her brother vanished before her eyes. Her eyes went wide and she started looking around. She felt a tingling but ignored it to continue looking for her brother when she also disappeared.

Boxing Club/Gym

Gary and Debbie were sparring when Debbie got a cramp in her leg. She sat down and felt a tingling sensation before she looked at Gary and vanished. Gary's eyes went wide. He started looking around when he felt a tingling in is gut shortly before vanishing.

Fast Food Restaurant

Dark Mayhem was thinking of a task for Max when he felt a tingling. He looked at himself in the mirror and watched as he vanished into thin air.

The Magical Theater

Twenty-two people and a rabbit hit the floor. Max was the first to pop up, so he scanned the room quickly. No threats that he could see but also no doors. Max looked at everyone else and spotted Allison. He rushed over to her before helping her up. Everyone got up shortly after.

Phoebe looked at Max with a glare and asked, "What did you do this time Max?" 

But before Max could answer a modulated voice boomed out, "Max did not bring you here. I did! My name is ArrowMaker15, no it is not my real name, but you may call me Arrow. I brought you here to watch the tales of the Thunderman family. But before we do that, could everyone introduce yourselves?"

"I'll go first. I am Hank Thunderman."

"Barb Thunderman."

Gideon waves. "Hi Mrs. Thunderman!" Barb waves back politely.

"Chloe Thunderman, baby!" exclaimed Chloe.

"Nora Thunderman."

"I'm Billy!" says Billy. Nora sighs, silently wondering how she is related to him.

"Hi everybody! I'm Pheobe Thunderman." 

Link smiles and greets, "Hey Phoebe." Pheobe turns around in shock before catapulting herself at Link, crushing him with a bear hug. He taps her back to signal that he can't breathe. She lets go but still has a bright smile on her face.

"Max Thunderman."

"Allison." said Allison while locking hands with Max. She was a little nervous.

"Cherry Seinfeld."


"Rad Tad Bradford at your service." All the high schoolers looked at him weirdly but let it go.

"Super President Kickbutt." said SPK with some reluctance.

"I'm Gideon. This here is Oyster and Wolfgang." Oyster hit Gideon's arm.

"Link Evilman."


"Tara Campbell. This little twerp is my brother, Cole." Cole looked at Tara with offense while Max looked at her with wide eyes.

"I'm Gary and this is my wife, Debbie. We're Allison's parents." At this Max started looking really nervous.

"Dark Mayhem and I demand to know why I am in this prison cell!" 

Arrow immediately responded, "Because that was the only way I could get you here, and keep you here, safely."

Out of seemingly nowhere, a rabbit lands on Max's shoulder which makes Allison jump back. "I am the great Dr. Colosso!" exclaims the rabbit. He gets a lot of shocked looks.

Arrow thankfully interrupts before questions can be asked. "Well now that everyone has been introduced, let's get seating sorted!" All of a sudden, name tags pop up on seats. The order of the seats left to right are:

Row 1; Link, Phoebe, Cherry, Max/Colosso on shoulder, Allison, Nora, Billy, Hank, Barb, Chloe, Sarah.

Row 2; Principal Bradford, Oyster, Gideon, Wolfgang, SPK, Maddy, Tara Campbell, Cole Campbell, Debbie, Gary, Dark Mayhem.

"Now that everything is set up let's get started! FYI, if you think of any snack or drink it will pop up in front of you." And with that it started.

(A/N: Hey everyone! This book was created after finishing The Thundermans, again, then starting over, again. That and I have not seen a Thundermans reaction book anywhere so if you can find one then tell me please. I do not own Nickelodeon or any of its characters.)

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