Nightmares (Regulus x Reader)

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It was a calm night in your room, nothing out of normal. Suddenly you hear a knock at your door and see it slowly opening. It was Regulus and he didn’t looked alright

"Can i step in ?"

he quietly ask, he looked sad and afraid

"i had a nightmare.."

he explain looking down.

"Of course."

You scoot over so he can lay down.

"Thank you..."

He walk slowly to lay down beside you. He looked very pale and scared. He is shaking a bit. You can smell his cologne that you like. He also look a bit lost, looking down.

"Can you help me to calm down ?"

he ask before looking at you again.


"What the dream?"

he stays silent a moment but finally accept to talk about it.

"I-in my dream, i was back in the past. In the cave. But this time, i can't move...I'm not able to defend myself"

he is shaking even more as he is telling you this and it hurt him to talk about it. He is almost crying when he continue

"i have to be a prisoner again. And the nightmare don't end...not this time."

"Regulus your here. Your okay. You're not in the cave. You're with me."

he nods and let out a shaky breath but the nightmare is still fresh in his mind. He look at you to seek comfort

"It felt so real..."

"I know. It'll go away one day."

He looks at you, trying to stop shaking. You see how desperate he is. He stay silent a few second

"Can you stay with me ? At least for a while. I'm scared to be alone in this state. I'm sorry if i disturb you..."

"It's okay regulus. You can stay here as long as you need......I love you"

his expression soften as soon you said the last words. It was the first time you said it to him. He was surprised but also happy for hearing that

"I love you too"

Slytherin Boys x Reader OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now