Important Author's Note: Family Emergency

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My grandma is in the ICU right now, they found her completely unresponsive this morning, and she was rushed to the hospital, and now she has a severe bowel infection, from severe constipation, to where she was as I said unresponsive, her oxygen low, her blood pressure all messed up, and we hope she makes it.
My mother is devastated and I had to comfort her.
My grandma is 82 years old and my great great great grandma died from a bowel infection as well, so it's common in our family.

Please give your best wishes for my grandma to recover.
She is not doing good.
She's struggling to stay in and out of consciousness.
The old folks home ignored her pleas for treatment, which resulted in this happening.
The old folks home was in Pretty Prairie Kansas, and I'm very much upset over the matter, since my grandma is known to have chronic constipation issues, thanks to her surviving colon cancer twice, she also survived breast cancer.

The only way they could get blood for tests was through her ankles, that's how dehydrated she was.
She has dementia and alzheimers as well as bipolar.
They mistreated her.
We are very enraged by it.
We are playing phone tag with family in Kansas to get updates on her health in the ICU.
I will let you guys know if she passes or not.
If she passes; we will indeed be in mourning for a month or so, so updates will be slower than normal if she passes away in the ICU.

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