Naraku's Vice

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Here's the next chapter........
This story was starting off later in the second season of Inuyasha, after Koga became good, and decided to join in on the hunt to kill Naraku.
But is now after Sesshomaru met Koga in later episodes of season three, close enough to the Band Of Seven Episodes.
So we are now starting at season three of the show.
I know Sesshomaru did not have much screen time, but he will in this story.
I am currently rebuying all the uncut seasons of the old disc sets with the original opening and ending songs on DVD because the ones I had were damaged by a mice infestation when I lived with a family member who was a hoarder.
My internet is too bad to watch it online since I have dial up internet.

I'm still currently sick with a severe sinus infection and ear infection, and I'm coughing so hard I wee a little. Please be aware I'm on steroids and an antibiotic.
I'm also drinking diabetic cough medicine too.
I had been up all night thanks to the steroids I took yesterday then slept all day today.
I just hope I get over this sinus infection and ear infection. My right ear is having issues getting over the infection, so I may have to call my ear nose and throat specialist to be prescribed medication for my ears.
Both me and my Mom got bad ones.
I used to get pnemonia from my sinus infections turning into pnemonia growing up.


Naraku watched in Kana's mirror the blind  girl, who looked exactly like Kikyo, travel with Lord Sesshomaru, overtime his human half of him desired this girl.
He wanted to be rid of his human half Onigumo.
Onigumo made him crave the flesh of Kikyo and anyone who resembled Kikyo.
Naraku took the top of his kimono off, and took a blade, then cut his human half apart from himself.
From here on out this will be a test on if he can be without his human half, and if not, then he is stuck with Onigumo being apart of him, and for now Onigumo can do whatever and however he pleases.

"Onigumo do as you desire and steal the heart of the blind girl who resembles Kikyo and kill Sesshomaru while you are at it."
Naraku then laughed after he says that maniacally.


I was by a river, soaking my feet in the cool water, since I'm boiling hot from the spring warm weather, and Jaken was by me, him  watching me as Sesshomaru wandered off somewhere, stating he smelled Naraku nearby.
Whoever Naraku is must've upset Sesshomaru enough to want to kill the Naraku person.
I hardly know a thing about Sesshomaru, only that he ain't human is what Jaken tells me, that Sesshomaru is a Dog Demon Lord.

I heard rustling in the branches nearby, and I tilt my head to the noise, yet I know Jaken didn't hear it, since he's occupied with feeding A-un sweet grass.
I take the towel Jaken gave me and wipe my feet, then pull on my socks and converse shoes.
The rustling kept going on, making me unnerved, me feeling eyes upon me.
I stand up, as I saw some odd purple energy with my eyes in bushes.
I was getting used to seeing energies of others, so much so that I've memorized Sesshomaru's energy.
His changes colors with his mood too.

I saw a light gray and black figure peeking out of the bushes, and I walk over, placing my hands on this figure feeling warm skin of a person.
Who are you?"
A voice hits my ears.

"I'm Tyra.
Who are you?"
I smile down at the purple energy before me, and the light gray and black figure in the shape of a man.

"I don't know."
He says honestly to me.
"But you look familiar."

"Sadly I don't know you either sir."
I tell him, feeling his face.
I narrow my eyes down.

"Why are you feeling my face?"
He asked me.

The Blind Mate {Sesshomaru Love Story {18+}Where stories live. Discover now