Another Pause!

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Hi all.

You don't know yet, but the author(me) just broke up with her long term girlfriend. I'm not doing well mentally and I don't know how long it's gonna take for me to recover.

Rest assured that I will continue writing this book, it's just difficult for me to do so mentally at this point in time!

I'm so hurt and in pain a lot every day since Tuesday of the breakup. I'm not sure if I'll ever be okay again.

I'm so sorry to everybody who had to wait so long for this book. There's nothing I can do to make it up to all of you.

Just.. thank you. So much

Oh! By the way. the girlfriend that I've been dating is also the author for another Rusger fanfic. You might've heard of it. It's on hold in the title but she says she's never finishing it lol. It's the "overtime" rusger fic, look it up! Yep! No one could've ever imagined we'd start dating and then break up, huh?

Do not send hate her way, she broke up with me but ultimately I was the bad person in this relationship. Whatever hate you have towards her send it to me, okay? Shes not even active on Wattpad anymore, hasn't used the site in years I don't think.

That's all! Toodles!

someone please console me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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