mental health crisis

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hello all! its me again.

so im late on updates again. i just wanted to let everyone know im alive but not well.

i have had a friend of over 7 years. due to recent events it has come to my attention that that friend had basically shit talked me out of rage one time with my girlfriend.

book update has been unable to arrive because of that. it was actually supposed to come out the night where i found this out. however i cannot find it in me to sleep well and eat well upon the discovery of this information. i sincerely apologize.

we as mental health sufferers are to take responsibility for it. and i know too well the feeling of a book not being updated for long periods of time but please if it cant be anything else that you believe in me for please do know i will see this book to its completion. im just reeling and mourning the lost of a friend who i shouldve expected this from.

very short rundown of the situation here, feel free to skip as u wish:

friend supposedly said i was narcissistic and someone unable to empathize with others. among other things i cannot recall and do not wish to recall. even now just thinking they said that about me makes me feel physically ill. someone who can just so maliciously lie in rage. only for minutes later i (unknowingly) texted them and for them to pretend everything was fine and normal is (for a lack of a better word) incredibly fucked up. i admit ive said some fucked up things and was antagonistic. i will not excuse myself. but it is also good to mention they were talking about were just bringing up already resolved situations, misremembering details and events, misinterpretation of my words, and just good ole lying!

end of thread.

but that's how ive been recently. i appreciate everyones love and support so much. i havent been able to sleep properly or eat well. but. im so glad i at least did something at all. i still have this book going for me.

oh, yes.

for someone so lackin in empathy. i really can write a story about one sided love well and nail down all the emotions and feelings meanwhile drawing the viewers in and appreciate the scenery and the vibes of the story in another persons eye. right?

i cant possibly write about emotions i cant empathize with them!

im narcissistic and all i care about is myself, is that correct?

honestly, fuck you.

im sick to the core that i had you draw one of my book cover. that i wouldve never done this to you.

anyway! back to the book!

i will update it when i have the energy to. i might not have recovered from this situation fully by that time. but i will publish new chapter whenever its ready. i know you all will love it as long as its good. thank you so much for the support!

please apply to be my new best friend here.

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