She's Sick

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Brianna Pov

"Babe...Preston wake up" I nudged him

"Why? It's too early~' he mumbled as he took a glimpse on the window and it was still dark.

"Luna.. she's sick" I said

He got up rubbing his eyes.

"Where is she?"


"I was sleeping when I heard cries from Luna's room. I stood up knowing she's awake I entered her room and opened the lights. I walked towards her and saw her sweating I thought she was just hot cause she was wearing a long-sleeve onesie but when I carried her she felt hot, I laid her down and immediately pulled her of the onesie. checked her temperature and confirmed she has a fever.


"Luna baby hang on okay?" Preston calmed his daughter who was in my arms as he drives.

We arrived at the hospital since her fever was way higher than usual.

"Preston.. her pedia is  with a patient right now" I came back after talking with the nurses

"Oh.. but she wouldn't stop crying." He said worriedly as he tries to make her sleep

I sighed as I only heard her cries

The hospital was big and  there aren't much patients since it's a private hospital and the bill here can be a whole 5 month salary.

"Why don't we stay on a room until her pedia  is done with the patient." I suggested


A couple minutes after getting admitted, Luna stopped crying and slept the door opened revealing her pediatrician.

She checked on Luna and finding the cause for her high fever and cough.

As the doctor prepares Preston felt the little girl move because of the sudden movements around her.

"Oh she awake" the doctor said as she placed a stethoscope on her back. As the doctor went out to get something we changed her to more light clothing cause I'm sure it'll help lowering her fever cause it's dangerously high now it's ranging 103°F (39.4°C).

The doctor went back with the diagnosis of Flu but he said it wouldn't last for more than a week he just need proper care and make sure he's hydrated and has to eat atleast a piece of bread or the full bottle of milk.

And we have to stay for another day or two incase for any complications after that we're good to go he just gave her prescribed meds the it's all settled.

403 words

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