1st Birthday

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Brianna Pov

Last week Luna just learned how to walked, by now she running and causing a riot. She constantly wants to play with us and waddle around the whole house. She was currently sleeping and I was lying in bed and Preston fixing the decor downstairs for Luna's First birthday party, she's one today and Preston and o couldn't be more happy than having a little bundle of joy.

As I sat up I heard Preston's light footsteps coming up the stairs, he walked in with a Coffee in his hand.

"Thanks babe, can I see the downstairs now?" I asked as he shook his head No. "I want you and Luna to see it together,  I think you're both going to love it." I nodded and grabbed the gift to give Luna when she wakes up. "Let's go wake he up."

We silently walked through the hallway and carefully opened the door and wake up Luna. As she wakes up Preston immediately picked her up And wished her A happy birthday the gave her the gift. As she opens it she was smiling and giggling while unwrapping her gift which is a stuffed cat that Preston and I bought. She had been liking Cats and dogs.

As soon as she finishes opening all the gift I lifted her up And asked her.

"You ready to see what daddy did for your birthday downstairs?" I asked and she nodded.

When went downstairs it was completely blue and white, and she absolutely loved it.

I carried her to the kitchen and gave her some chocolate and strawberry pancakes.


2 hours later,

After eating breakfast Preston and I started picking up all the ordered food and changed clothes as Luna takes another nap as we shower, as soon as she wakes up we brought her down and changed her clothes and started getting her ready for the party.

Time set- 2:55,

One by one all of our friends and family that we invited started to come and by 3:30 there all here, we were all having fun a grand time with all of our families and friends there's also a bunch of kids running around outside where the bounce house are.

And when  the clock strikes four we sang her happy birthday and ate, played games and one by one all the guest started to leave and we started up to clean all the remaining mess as we look at Luna sleeping on the couch she must be so tired, Preston carried her to her room changed her clothes and laid her down and wished her, "Happy Birthday Moon" and kissed her gently

446 words

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