Episode 5 ~ Not Calm Confidence...

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Another episode, another recap! Because this will never end, will it?

Arguing, arguing, and more arguing happened in the morning, while Ally tried to help out Tess, and Riya found a secret advantage I forced Oliver to hide in the forest. Before we began exposing the campers to the challenge, Riya chose to swap Rosa Maria and Yul.

The challenge was INCREDIBLE! Campers had to admit some of their deepest, darkest secrets to the world with only a 1/11 chance of winning a million dollars. Some were very deep, some were boring, but most were entertaining. Green Team lost, but not without those secrets changing some bonds on the team, Hunter and Tess had a conversation, and then the three hung out playing video games.

Riya, Rosa Maria, & Kai teamed up, to go against the trio that was those three. Do they have a name? Love Triangle Trio? Eh, probably not....anyway, since I did not learn from the almost-tie in Episode 3, we had an anti-climatic tiebreaker between Hunter and Kai, with Kai heading home; not without telling Rosa Maria to tell Maggy he said goodbye.

How will Maggy react to Kai heading home? How will Tess, Ally, and Hunter interact? Will James and Aiden ever stop fighting? Hopefully not, do you see the drama it brings!? You'll enjoy this episode, of. Disventure. Camp. Season 2. Rewritten!

(We flip to the morning on Orange Team, with Yul heading to talk with James, and Aiden and James talking).

So....that's how you started being an influencer?

Yep, ever since then, I've gained success! Making deals here and there with other creators, and doing challenges from viewers...in fact, I'm about to reach two million followers!~

What about you? What have you been doing?

Oh...I've just been studying abroad in college, learning about different countries while doing so. I came onto the show to gain the money needed to travel across the world once I'm done with college, but also to......uh.....sorry, I'm not comfortable with saying that yet...
Hey, don't worry Aiden. Don't tell me until you know you are comfortable with telling me.

Thanks, James.

Hey Aiden..... Hello James! Can I talk with you for a second?

Uh...sure I guess. I'll talk to you later Aiden, and also good luck in getting the money you need for the college travels!

Thanks, James!

Aiden - Confessional
James and I have been talking a lot since last night, and I get accepting his out-of-the-blue apology may seem too soon....or naive....but I just. Having friends, people to lean on, especially with how I'm treated and seen back home.....it's something I want, more than anything....

So, James, do you have an alliance with Aiden?

Trying to gain the alliance back....Aiden betrayed me, almost sending me home if Riya didn't swap you over here, due to the girls' strong alliance...

Oh my gosh....then why don't we try to get the girls against one another? Instead of sticking with the unloyal e-boy?

I don't think that would work....those three have been stuck together like glue the entire time, and I'm guessing that'll continue with Maggy and Lake, I don't see why it wouldn't.

Alright! Well, nice discussion James, wanna just hang out? So we don't have to be around them all day...

Why not I guess?

James - Confessional
Is it bad that I wanted to go find Aiden and hang out further? Just to make sure he's back on my side...no other reason at all...

(Maggy is shown sneaking off to find the Green Team's camp, and she eventually finds it, seeing Rosa Maria and Riya having a walk in the forest).

Maggy - Confessional
FINALLY! I might've gotten lost in the forest fifteen times, and gone in the wrong direction ten times, but I'm here! And I found Rosa! But.....where's Kai? Why isn't he with them? I'm sure he's just at camp.

Rosa! Hey...y!

Rosa Maria
Maggy, hello! How did you get here? Where's Lake?

I wanted to come here yesterday....to see you and Kai, Lake was helping guide me here. I didn't want to ask her to come with me this time....we sort of fought. I need your help on that if you don't mind. Where's Kai, by the way?

Rosa Maria
Of course, I'll help out! Kai.....he got eliminated last night.


Rosa Maria
It was a tie, there was a tiebreaker, and....he lost. He did want me to tell you that he said goodbye, and he wanted us to go on for him...

I guess we'll have to try.

Kristal (over loudspeaker)
Campers! You know what time it is, head to the left of the campground for your challenge today. It's the best one yet!

I don't know if I believe that....but thank you, Rosa! I better head back to my team so we can head to the challenge. Cya there!

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