Chapter 3: New mission.

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I was standing there, in the shadow casted by the tall skyscraper, at the back of it, and ready to enter. The light being hidden by it, and it made the place dark, slightly unsettling. I open the backdoor with a creek, and I pass through the doorframe and the door closes behind me with a loud creek follow by an echoing "Bang!" going through the hallways. It was almost as dark as behind the building, the lights were almost ineffective, making the walk in these long hallways oddly unsettling. They weren't dim, they lacked electricity. A long and empty hall it was, no one else in sight, and that wasn't surprising, the walls were... Well cleaned, and so was the floor. But the light bulb was far from being changed. After what seemed to be the most interminable walk in a hallway of my life, I finally reach the metallic staircase, I turn right to face it, the left side was going up and the right side was going down. I wasn't planning on going high up, the high altitudes were something that was rather scaring me, and I'm happy that it isn't where I need to go. So, I take right to go right down in this abyssal depth. And I walk down them, each one of the steps that my paws were taking making the metal echoing up and down the staircase until it reaches an end. I was going down and down. One floor, two floor, three floor. It was feeling long, but less than these hallways, four, five, six, seven, okay, yeah, now it was feeling long. And it goes on, floor after floor, I pass them all. Until I've passed a total of fifteen floor. So that being the floor -15, and it was written right over the frame of the "entry" of the staircase. I walk out of the staircase and once again walk in a dim lightened hallway, but shorter this time. Because after not even a minute, I reach the door where I needed to be at. I turn right to face the door in question, and I turn the knob to open it... No light in the room, the only light here was the one from the hallway that was barely illuminating the room. There were small flickering dots over the place of different colors, presumably on the tables in the room. It wasn't my first time there, but I always wondered where these flickering dots came from, even after knowing far too many times from what it was emanating. I walk in the dark room and my hand search for the light switch on the wall to set off the unsettling vibes. Until I finally reach the switch and with a "flick!" the light come in flooding the room and my vision, definitely brighter than the lights of the hallways. The room brighten with light, I finally manage to make up what the room looks like, tables everywhere with recent computer on them, being from where the flickering dots came from. The screen closed and the computers not running, the room was silent apart from the buzzing of the light. My eyes look around the room until my vision gaze upon someone sleeping on a chair, snoring, a female leopard with one robotic arm, my superior, Mary Rosy, her hammer named "phoenix" against the desk on the ground. I go around the tables to reach to her. Even with the vision shattering light, she was still sleeping. I stand there, thinking of a way to wake her up calmly... "Eureka!" I think, after I finally get a quote on quote "Genius" idea to wake her up.

Ray: Mary! Ray Rally reporting back!

I scream out as she jumps out of her chair, surprised, and take her sledgehammer in hand, for a few second looking weary of her surrounding as her gaze finally meets mine and she calm down, regaining her composer, as she settles back in her chair and put back her weapon where it was.

Mary: Oh, it's you. You're back, as it seems. Here to report back as I heard you scream out?

She asks getting more comfortable back in her chair as she put her elbow in the arm of the chair and round up her hand in a fist to put her left cheek against it.

Ray: Yes ma'am! The suspect got arrested and put behind bars. The suspicions were right, mission complete.

She smirks, visibly content that the mission went well and that the suspect got apprehended.

Mary: Good. Now, I'm going to go straight at what I want to say to you agent Ray; I already have a new mission for you. And probably the most important mission you'll ever do. The mission that'll make you grade up.

I raise an eyebrow.

Ray: Keep going.

Mary: That's what I was going to do before you spoke, anyways, look at this first.

She points at a chair, telling me to sit there, and I obliged, sitting down on the chair as I lean forward to listen closely. She takes out a card and open a holographic screen, and it shows... A cube?

Mary: Don't let yourself get fooled by its appearance. What you are seeing on this screen is not some sort of Rubik's cube type-of things that you can use as decoration or to pass some leisure time with yourself. It does seem as useful as that but...

She pauses as she sighs.

Mary: This highly technological item got robbed from us not too long ago by someone who betrayed us, and the name of the item in question is "Tephitquenma" (Pronounced Te-fit-cue-enne-ma). It was ours, someone took it, and... Your mission is to find it, retrieve it, and bring it back.

I frown, what does it makes it highly technological anyways?! It's a fucking cube! But I guess I'll have to keep listening...

Mary: Does that mission seem simple enough for you Ray?

Ray: I... guess, but do you have anything that can help me start? Somewhere to begin? Or what does it do?

Mary: Yes, yes... No, we only know someone stole it, you'll have to search. As for its powers, it... control time, it can create time bubble and all that. Time fluctuation zone will be your best bet to find it. You can't rely on me there.

I nod and then stand up.

Ray: So that's my mission? I guess I don't have any other choices... Alright then, I guess I'll start right away then.

She stops me from walking away as I had turned around, and I turn back to face her.

Mary: Another thing! Good job on your trial, you did well, we're currently on the case of finding the murderer, don't worry. This matter is in our hands, you... Take care of the cube.

I nod and thank her before walking to the door and I pass the doorframe, before I leave, she calls out to me once more.

Mary: One last thing! Remember that you must rely on no one. Good luck.

I thank her once again and turn around before starting to make my way out of the building back by the long hallways and stairs. 


Alright! New mission for our dear main character huh? Doesn't it seem so simple? It is, I guess? Hop hop hop! No foreshadowing, with what I wrote seconds prior, you though I'd foreshadow something huh? Well, nuh-uh, read and you'll know and see! And, well, this was officially the last chapter I had pre-written! So, the rest will take more time to be posted, but I'll do my best to not keep y'all waiting! Anyways, I hope you all have a great day, or for the one reading in their bed before going to sleep for some reason, goodnight!

-Pelfox Candlelight


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