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Ram's POV 

It's been almost an hour, still there is no sign of Jenny. I went to our room to check on her, she is still in lehnga, standing in the balcony, looking outside.

"You said you are starving, everyone is waiting for you and here you are, enjoying the view" i said. She turned towards me... she doesn't look good. I asked what's wrong. She hugged me, clutching my shirt tightly. Her body is cold, she is shivering. I was scared seeing her condition 

"Ram, don't talk, just hold me" she said in quivering voice. Something is bothering her, I want to know but decided to give her sometime. There was knock on the door, it's Nisha. Jenny said, she will change and come. Nisha asked us to come for dinner. Jenny came in in simple kurti after sometime. Everyone was so happy, talking about last night and gifts especially personalized gifts from Jenny. They were praising Jenny, wondering how she was able to get all those pictures... also her doctor skills and compassion. Jenny was half listening. Nivi suggested to watch movie after dinner but Jenny said, she has headache and went to our room. It's odd, she never say no to Nivi. Mom said that Jenny must be tired due to long day at hospital, also lack of sleep. We retired to our rooms.

Jenny was sitting on bed with blank expression. She didn't notice me, not even when I got on to bed. Finally when she noticed, she came into my arms. I laid on bed, wrapping my arms around her, she held my shirt tightly. We both couldn't sleep till late hours. Next morning we returned home, Jenny was not her usual self. Monday I went to office but returned home in the afternoon, wanted to check on Jenny. She was with mom in living room

"Why isn't she answering mom? Where is Nivi?" Jenny is crying. It alerted me, did something happen to Nivi? I asked what happened

"Nivi went to magic show with class... Jenny probably had nightmare during nap..."

"I want to see Nivi now, take me Ram..." Jenny begged

"She will be here by 4, her teacher said, bus will drop..." mom tried to pacify

"Why the hell her teacher not taking the call...where is that damn magic show?" Jenny yelled

"Calm down..." just then her phone rang, Jenny went to our room. I followed her but room was locked. After sometime mom got call from Nivi's teacher, apologizing that she couldn't hear in the crowd...

Jenny came running grabbed the phone from mom "give the phone to Nivi" she said


"Give the damn phone to Nivi" she shouted


"Who gave you permission, get Nivi on phone right now otherwise I will get you fired and make sure no one employ you" Jenny threatened. I was shocked at her tone, even mom had the same expression. What the hell is happening?


"Baby..." Jenny couldn't get words, she is crying. I took the phone and turned on speaker

"Jenny, what happened?" Nivi asked

"Nivi baby, I heard you are at magic show, how is it going?" I asked

"It's amazing chachu, I volunteered for the show, he made me disappear" she said excitedly. I asked if the magic show is over and when they are coming. Nivi said it's almost over. I asked her to enjoy? Jenny is sitting down, crying, mom is consoling her

"Nivi is fine, don't worry, it's just a bad dream" i said. Jenny asked me to take to Nivi. When I said she will be here after the show, Jenny yelled at me "are you going to take me or not". I looked at mom, she nodded

Mom came along with us, Jenny is still crying in mom's arms. As soon as we reached, Jenny rushed inside hugged Nivi with tears pouring from her eyes. Nivi was confused, asked what happened. I said, Jenny had bad dream

"Oho Jenny, I'm fine, don't cry, nothing will happen to me"

"Nothing should happen to you, nothing should happen... I won't let anything happen to you" Jenny is mumbling more to herself. Mom had tears seeing them, I'm overwhelmed too with her love. She is scared just because of nightmare, how much she loves Nivi! Whole ride, Jenny held Nivi in her lap, wrapping her arm around Nivi protectively. Even after coming home she didn't leave Nivi for a second. At night she had Nivi sleep in our bedroom, whole night she was awake looking at Nivi. I tried to talk to her but she was in no condition to talk. I couldn't understand why Jenny is scared to this extent, as if there is threat to Nivi. I laid next to her, wrapping my arm, hoping she would sleep but she asked me to sleep on other side of Nivi so that no one would take her. I tried to be awake but didn't know when I slept

"I'm not sending Nivi to school" I woke up hearing Jenny's shouting

"It's ok Jenny, Nivi will be fine..." Nisha bhabhi told

"I'm not letting Nivi out of my sight" Jenny yelled holding Nivi's hand, she didn't look good, I rushed to her side... she fainted in my arms. Nisha said she will call the doctor and left. I placed Jenny on bed. Everyone came with worried looks

"Don't hurt Nivi, she is a baby...please..." Jenny mumbled unconsciously

"It's ok, Nivi is safe" i said holding her hand. She is restless even in unconscious state. Dr. Vidya came after sometime, we told what happened. She said, "I gave sedative, when she wakes up, she would be ok, realize it's just a dream. Probably her dream was too scary"

I was in study working on new project. I didn't have the heart to go to office. Maid informed that Jenny woke up. It was late afternoon. Jenny was at dining table drinking juice, mom, Nisha and dadi were sitting next to her. I asked how she is feeling, she just nodded. Then she said she wants to eat lunch and ate in rush.

"Mom, I'm feeling better, had lunch and juice... can I pick Nivi from school?" She asked. That's why she ate food in rush, looking at the watch! Mom sighed

"Nivi is fine Jenny, you should take care of yourself..."

"Please mom" Jenny begged. She is still worried about Nivi. I asked Jenny to get ready, I would take her. Jenny immediately left to our room

"It's ok mom, she will feel better" i said when mom tried to object

"I don't know Ram, Jenny is not herself, thought she would be fine after waking up...why is Jenny worried about a dream? She is a strong girl..." mom expressed her worry. Dadi said, it happens sometimes, jenny will be fine by tomorrow. 

I took, Jenny to Nivi's school. Jenny was not herself, just holding Nivi, not talking... around midnight, she went out of bedroom, I followed her... she went to Nivi's bedroom and sat on floor, holding Nivi's hand in tears. I sat outside the bedroom, leaning on the wall. After an hour, I heard soft snores, Jenny slept. I carried her to our bedroom. I couldn't sleep for very long time.

Next morning, at breakfast table Jenny informed that her friends planned trip to Shimla since they finished exams, asked if she could go. Mom thought it was great, Jenny needed it. I felt it was odd

"You should have planned honeymoon, you are useless Ram. Im glad her friends planned something" mom scolded me when I was alone. That evening by the time I reached home, Jenny was gone. I felt so lonely in my room alone... I got used to her in these 6 months and last few days I'm sleeping with her in my arms, I miss her warmth, fragrance 

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