Truth revealed

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Ram's POV 

Everyone were so excited, literally jumping in joy knowing Jenny is pregnant and Nivi! I have no words to describe her excitement. 

"I wanted to send you both on honeymoon, now I have to plan baby moon. You are not hopeless" mom teased. Dad came around 7:30. 

"You are going to be grandfather again, Jenny is pregnant" mom said excitedly. He congratulated us, dad seemed little distant. Is something bothering him? Did the meeting go wrong? We retired to bed. Jenny was quiet, just hugged me and slept. Next day we went to our home. Saurabh uncle called me to his office. I hope he found everything. I was shocked when he said everything he discovered. That bitch! I can't believe she is still after me even after all this time. I got myself busy in work, didn't want to think about that bitch, didn't even call Jenny, didn't want to talk to anyone in my state of mind. 

Everyone was in living room when I reached home, with worried looks. I asked what happened? Mom said, Jenny didn't come out of the room since morning... I asked if Jenny had dinner. Mom said that she took dinner but Jenny said she will eat later. I went to my room, food is still on nightstand, Jenny is pretending to sleep. 

I went to out of room, asked everyone to have dinner, lied that Jenny ate dinner and is sleeping. 

"Is everything ok between you and Jenny?" Dadi asked 

"Why are you asking dadi, everything is fine" I lied

"Is Jenny ready for baby?" Mom asked. I told that Jenny is excited but after mom asked, even I wonder if Jenny wants this baby, she didn't look happy... is it because I raped her. "You are thinking too much mom, Jenny is not feeling well physically... that's all. We didn't know about pregnancy, now that we know, we will take care" I lied and escaped to my room 

"I know you better when you are pretending and really sleeping, have food" I said. Jenny got up, she trying hard to hold back tears. I fed her

"Who is blackmailing you?" I asked. I already know, Saurabh uncle got all the information, I want to hear from Jenny, end this once for all

"Who... who will ... blackmail meee? No.. no one is blackmailing... I... I want... divorce" she stammered which she does when she lies or hide things

"Swear on our baby..." I took her hand and kept on her stomach. She immediately withdraw and cried looking at her tummy, I hugged her

"Your Ram can't live without you Janaki... I love you so much" I confessed. She cried harder... "I love you Ram, I can't live without you but let me go...please...." She broke down completely

"I will never let you go... not till my last breath..."

"My breath will stop if yours stop" she said looking into my eyes, I kissed her head

"I know about Shalini" I said

"How?" She asked in shock

"that's not important... she is psycho Jenny, how can you come under her blackmail and ask for divorce?" I said in anger

"It's not just her blackmail, you hate lies, I entered your life with lies, ruined our family reputation..."

"How many times I told that I don't hate you! Yes I didn't express my love directly but can't you see my love? I stopped finding who you were long back, it didn't matter to me anymore, I accepted you wholeheartedly... I couldn't bear the thought of you leaving me, I lost my sanity seeing divorce papers, got drunk.... you have no idea how much I'm dying inside for what I did to you..."

"I know Ram, I know that you will regret after coming to senses, that's why I tried my best to stop you... I would have been happy to give myself to you but you were not in senses... you would hate yourself for forcing on me...I tried so hard Ram..." she cried endlessly

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