Gay Problems

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After your little talk, you and John decided to go to the park and then after getting a cup of coffee. Once you get to the park both of you sit on a bench. You sit fairly close and people who pass by give you and John strange looks. "Dave, why do they look at us like that?" John asked. "Because they don't understand us and they think we should act differently in public" you respond with. Just then a lady comes over and decides to have a chat with you two. "You shouldn't be sitting that close to each other it's wrong on so many levels. Do your parents know about you two like this." The lady said very rudely and you could tell John was quite upset about this. "Excuse me ma'am but we should be able to sit how ever close we want it's not like it's illegal and I have talked to my parents about this and they think I am allowed to like who ever I want and they aren't going to stop me" you respond back with in a calm manner making sure to keep a straight face. "It should be illegal to show gay affection in public it is rude and some people just don't want to see that stuff and what about his parents do they know about you two together," She said the last part pointing at John. Before John could respond you responded for him "No his parents don't know about us together but what I do know is that his parents would be ok with us together" you don't bother commenting on the illegal part because you know how that goes your Bro heard it a thousand times when he was alive and he also knew you were gay just like him and he told you when they say that it should be illegal stop pressing on that part. "How do you know what his parents are ok with maybe they don't like the idea of you and him together I mean I certainly wouldn't" she responded. "I'm done talking with you about this and I am sorry that you feel that way about other people and their preferences," You tell her in a calm manner taking John's hand and walking away.

When you walked quite a ways away John decided to speak "Wow Dave I didn't think you would handle that so well". "Well I didn't like the way she was talking about us and my Bro used to handle people like that all the time so he gave me a few tips if I were to ever get a boyfriend," You told him. "Wait your Bro was gay too?" John asked. "Yea why do you think I am a blazing gay? Just kidding yea he was gay until his boyfriend broke up with him then he tried with a few girls and that never seem to work out so he decided to let his anger and grief out on me and that was our last strife we ever had" You said getting sadder toward the end. "Okay let's get off that topic anyway where are we going?" John asked quickly. "To the coffee shop usually no one bugged me or my Bro there and I know a few people here," You say as you open the door to the small coffee shop. "Oh ok that's cool I guess," John says. You go up to one of the registers and order "I'll take the usual Karkles". "Ok and what do you want," he asks John rather rudely like always. "I'll have a hot chocolate," John says rather timidly. Once you get your drinks you go find a table to sit at. There aren't many people in here just a few some doing some work or just chatting with a friend. You find a table to sit at and sit at opposite ends. After a while of you and John talking about randomness, a group of girls come in get their drinks and notice you and John but mainly you seeing as you were facing them. They walked over to your table and started talking to you not noticing John sitting there. "Hey, cutie what are you doing here," One of the girls said but you didn't notice because you were too busy looking at John and how uncomfortable he was. "You know It's rude not to look at the person talking to you right," One of the other girls said. Ok, now they are getting on your nerves. "As much as I would love to go out with one of you girls I am sort of on a date already so if you would be so kind as to leave me be that would be amazing," You said rather rudely hoping to get your point across. "With who, him? You must be joking you can do way better especially if it is one of us" another girl said. "Yes with him" you respond annoyed. "Fine but good luck being the 'cool kid' at school you'll be dumping him and asking one of us out to get away from the torture and pain," the last girl said as they left."You wouldn't do that Dave, would you?" John asked slightly scared that what they said might be true. "I would never even think about dating one of them or dating a girl ever," you told him. He looked slightly relieved hearing you say that. "Now why don't we go back to my place to get away from everyone"

Once you get back to your place with minor stares and occasional chat, you immediately flop on the couch with John not far behind. You check the time seeing it was only 5 pm. "Sorry about all those ignorant people today, I should have warned you what people would do and say," you say out of the blue. "It's fine Dave I just wish they would have considered our feelings I mean we are human too," John says sadly. "People will always think queer people are different," You tell him sadly.

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