About Time

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It's been a week since Issei Hyoudou was released from the grasp of time, For once the man can't find normalcy in this new life he has, since back then all he knew was the unknown and finding new information and things to make, so having the time to eat 5 star delicacies is still a rare occasion for him, he been waiting 159 years for this moment.

"This thing is delicious" he found his new favourite delicacy, a soft cake with a flan topping. "Amazing, it's been ages  ever since i tasted something as delicious as this." he took another bite.

"Enjoying yourself there young man?" a man beside him asked, as he looked at his side Issei saw a man in his early 30's black hair with a blonde bangs that covers his forehead. "I am... and you ar-" there, right then and there Issei realised who he was talking to.

"Azazel..." much to the man's surprise, and curiosity as to why the boy knows his name. "Have we met before?" he raised his eyebrow.

"You haven't met me, but I know you... very well, leader of the fallen angels, man who lusted for Gabriel's body... and banished from heaven due to it." a light chuckle came out of Azazel as he looked at the boy. "You know your stuff young man, want a booz?" Issei held out his glass as Azazel poured him a shot.

"You apart of some faction?" Azazel asked. "Nope, i go solo to wherever knowledge needs me." a smile creeps on Azazel's lips. "A fellow slave to knowledge, rare seeing my own kind here." he added.

"Hahaha... yeah, you could say were more alike than you think, for example." Issei revealed dagger to Azazel as said man's eye widened in surprise.

"A sacred gear... wait no, an artificial sacred gear?" now it was Issei's time to give a little chuckle. "A sacred gear? oh no, that's some outdated category for my creations, this thing here is my pride and joy." he twirled the blade with his fingers.

"Executioner Arms my most prized creations, you could say this is my own line of Longinus Category." he hides his weapon and with that Issei gave azazel one last smile before...

"Let's meet again some time, Governer." with that, Issei disappeared like he was in one of those MMORPG Games, like when SAO Players dies and they crack like glass and crumbles away.

Moments of silents passed as Azazel was left there alone. "Weird Kid..." with a smile he said, he finally found someone who was as smart as he is. but he had something in mind as he pondered a bit.

"Wait a minute... artificial sacred gears? that's my idea!" Azazel shouted with all his might, angered a bit since someone stole his idea.


Issei found himself chuckling at the now pissed Azazel, "You're a smart man i give you that, but your notes are... lets say a bit outdated." he smiled and disappeared away, like his whole body literally disappeared in a blink of an eye then boom his gone.

The scene starts again as Issei appears once again but now he finds himself within the Park, seeing a bench he approached it and took a seat enjoying the comfort of silence and solitude.

"This, this is what i want... solitude, nothing else but me nothing can make this day wor-" low and behold, someone who's gonna make his day worse appeared.

"Uhm... y-you're Issei Hyoudou right? I am Yuuma Amano..." glancing aside, Issei's eyes landed on a bombshell beauty whom had a purple eyes and dark hair. "Yeah, thats me got some business with me?" with his new found confidence he converse with this woman.

"W-well yes, I seem to gain some affection towards you... Issei-san..." with that, this new Issei found it very amusing to mess with her a bit. "What kind of affection are we talking about here." his hand danced near her legs, going over it as he inched closer to her neck and whispered words that made her jumped back in surprise.

"I cant wait to make you fall little angel." as he lightly nibbles Yuuma's ear, making her blush and jump away.

"You! h-how..." malice was now very transparent on her, knowing her cover was blown by this normal looking human, suddenly a spear made of light appeared on her hand as she inched it near Issei's throat. "You're in danger now human tell me how d-"

Issei seeing this, could only give a nonchalant face and pinched her light spear into nothing but particles of light, "O holy light, conjure me a weapon of divinity, Divine Lance!" after his chant, hundreds of lances made of light appeared beside, below, and inches to her neck.

"I am in no danger, I am The Danger..." his eyes changed color for a moment, golden as bright as his lances. "Turn around woman, this is Hell your walking into." with that Raynare's legs trembled and gave out as she suddenly falls down sitting on the pavement and looking at the monster before her.

Seeing she couldn't do what he asked, Issei did the necessary and walked away from her, living the poor woman drenched and afraid.

After a while, when seeing was far away he only gave a smile full of malice and sadistic intent.

"I'll destroy this balance of power, go all my creations... find your partners and help humanity gain their own strength against these supernatural beings." Issei casted a magic circle and covered the entire world with his mana as he delivered a mission for humanity.


All over the world, 13 chosen peopel received a message in a form of a near transparent blue quest log like in a game.

||You 13 chosen individuals have their destiny aligned, with this blessing i gave you comes with a mission in return.||

Another one came with a message in all uppercase.


With that, the story of Issei Hyoudou, The Architect of Creation starts as humanity gains an upper hand.

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