The Date

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This we be a longer chapter because of its importance.

Chase had been getting things all back to normal with the Paw Patrol. All the tension is gone between Chase and Ryder. Now that he did that, he can go on his date. He didn't know what to do since no one in the Paw Patrol dated anyone. The only person he knew was farmer Al.

Chase: I know it is a weird question, but I need some advice. I have a date with Skye, and I need some advice .

Al: Good for you, Chase. For the advice, I would say to just be confident. Don't say or do anything too fast.

Chase: OK, thanks

Al: Any time, Chase

Chase went to Katie's, so she could get him ready for his date. Katie is now operating at her home while they rebuild her store. They planned to meet at Mr Porter's. Chase and Skye had a reservation. Chase got there and waited.

Mr. Porter: Chase just to let you know people are spreading and hearing gossip about you and Skye. Some people are trying to watch, so I will let you go inside in a private room for privacy.

Chase: OK, thanks. I will contact Skye

Chase activates his puptag to contact Skye.

Chase: Skye, we will be inside because people are trying to watch our date.

Skye: OK Chase, I am finishing up at Katie's, then I will be there.

Skye finishes up  and heads to Mr Porter's. He shows her to the room.

Skye and Chase: Thanks again, Mr Porter

They blush

Mr Porter laughing: Anytime pups

He leaves them to their date.

Chase: You look beautiful, Skye

Skye: Thanks, Chase. You also look very handsome. I guess Katie did a good job.

Chase: Yeah. Also, Mr. Porter already knows what we are having, so he is making it

Skye: What is it?

Chase: A large spugeti

Skye: Really Chase. Can you get more cheesy

Chase: You know it

Skye with a big smile: I do.

Mr. Porter: 1 order of spugeti for adventure bays most shipped pups.

Chase: Uh

Mr. Porter: Really. You two have been shipped for years. It is just crazy that it finally happened.

Mr. Porter leaves them

Skye: This feels weird

Chase: Yeah, same. I guess we should still eat.

Skye: Yup

Chase and Skye eat, and they are both trying to get the same one. They do, but it breaks off.

Chase and Skye: Dang it

They blush

Skye: Chase, I am going to be honest. I didn't realize I liked you until the truth or dare game. I just viewed you as a really good friend. I always felt like I had had a special relationship with you since the moment we met. I then realized I have feelings for you, and I love you. Like you. Like.

Chase: Wow, Skye. I will also be honest. I have always liked you and wanted to be with you since I discovered love.

Skye: Zuma told me you liked me. I kinda believed it because of some things like being worried for me, but I tried to suppress the feelings of love because we aren't supposed to have relationships in the Paw Patrol.

Chase: I got better at hiding it

They then have small talk as they finish their food. They go to leave when they see a crowd of people, some news reporters, and more. They walk back to contact Ryder.

Chase: Ryder sir, me and Skye are done with our date, but there is a crowd by the store. We are stuck.

Ryder: OK, Chase, we will come.(Ryder contacts Marshall with through puptag) Marshall, I need you to meet me at Mr. Porter's.

Marshall: OK Ryder

Marshall and Ryder head over

Mr. Porter: Thank you, Ryder they won't leave.

Ryder: it is your property, so Marshall tell them you will spray them and destroy their equipment with water if they don't leave.

Marshall, in a loud voice: citizens of Adventure Bay. If you I will spray you all and destroy your equipment with water if they don't leave.

Citizens: OK, we will leave

News guy: I can't afford a new camera

They all run away

Mr. Porter: Thanks. Chase and Skye just don't have your next date here. Please.

Chase: Sorry, Mr. Porter

Mr. Porter: It's fine, pups

Ryder: Come on, pups, let's go home

Chase: OK

The pups and Ryder went back to the Tower. Marshall went to Chase when he was alone.

Marshall: Chase, how did it go

Chase: Good

Marshall: Nice. You need to kiss her.

Chase: Wait, woh, that is way too fast. Marshall, if you want to go that fast, she will break up with you if you

Marshall: You're right. Sorry

Chase: I need to go talk to Skye

Chase walks to Skye

Chase: Hey Skye, I would like to ask how I did and if we will have another date.

Skye:  You did great, Chase. We will definitely have another date, Chase. In fact, can we sleep in your puphouse.

Chase: Yeah, I just need to clean some things up.

Skye: I can help

Chase: No thanks, they are personal items

Skye: Oh

Chase hides his personal items away and lets Skye come in. They start snuggling together.

Chase: Goodnight, beautiful

Skye: Goodnight, but one thing first.

Skye goes and kisses Chase on the lips

Chase: Thanks for that

Skye: You're welcome

Skye and Chase go to bed as Ryder stays up listening to their date and then what they did as they were going to bed together. He did hear the kiss.

Skye and Chase a love storyWhere stories live. Discover now