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Hey there, and welcome to my debut fanfiction! It feels a bit surreal to be on this side of the writing process after years of being an avid reader. But hey, I've got all these ideas swirling around in my head, and it's about time I let them out into the world.

First things first, I'm all ears for suggestions. While I might not be able to incorporate every idea, I'm definitely open to anything that enhances the story. So feel free to share your thoughts and let's see where they take us.

Secondly, I'm committed to keeping the updates rolling in at least once a week. Of course, I'll strive for more whenever possible, but you can count on a minimum of one update per week. And if there are any delays, I'll try to be sure to give you a heads-up in advance.

Lastly, buckle up and enjoy the ride! I sincerely hope you find as much joy in reading this story as I have had in writing it. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into this adventure together!


While browsing through the chapter images, you may notice variations in the appearance of models and backgrounds. These differences arise because they are created by an AI photo generator, which uses various artistic styles and interpretations. I have personally found enjoyment in the diversity and creativity of these different art styles. If any discrepancies bother you, I sincerely apologize. However, I promise you that my own creations would be FAR worse.

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