Chapter : 5

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As a knock echoed through the room, Reyansh stirred from his slumber, his voice groggy as he mumbled, "What?"

A voice from beyond the door responded, "Sir, we'll be landing in 30 minutes."

Rubbing his eyes, Reyansh sighed heavily and sat up, his mind still foggy from sleep. "Alright" he muttered.

The sound of footsteps retreated from outside the door as Reyansh swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his thoughts slowly clearing as the reality of the impending landing settled in.

Reyansh rose from the bed, dragging himself to the compact bathroom connected to the room. After quickly freshening up, he emerged from the room, gathering his essentials - watch, phone, and coat.

Taking his seat, Reyansh slid his watch onto his wrist and casually tossed his coat aside. As he fastened his seat belt, he glanced out of the window, his mind wandering to someone special.

But his thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he noticed something shocking. "What the fuck," he exclaimed under his breath. Turning to Taylor, he spoke with a calm yet deadly look, "Why the fuck are we landing in Dehradun instead of Jaipur?" His voice took on a dark tone, betraying his frustration.

Meanwhile, the jet touched down at Dehradun Airport. As they transferred to a stop, Taylor knew he had to explain. "Boss, th—" he began, but Reyansh cut him off with an exasperated gesture.

Reyansh rose from his seat, followed by everyone else. He shouted, "Who did this? And without asking me?"

Taylor attempted to tell his boss the situation, but Reyansh wasn't ready to listen. He tried again to explain, but before he could speak, he was cut off once more.

"Fuck," Reyansh muttered, running his hand through his hair in annoyance. Then, a realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. There was only one person who could be behind this. Though his expression remained composed, his eyes revealed a glimmer of surprise as he turned to Taylor. "She," he said simply.

Taylor couldn't help but smile faintly, nodding in agreement. "Yes, Boss, it was ma'am's plan," he confirmed.

Reyansh ran his right hand over his chin, a small chuckle escaping him. "This girl," he muttered, shaking his head in both admiration and amusement.

As the crew opened the door of the jet, Reyansh and his entourage disembarked. Three Range Rovers awaited them near the jet, with his men standing beside the cars. One of them opened the middle car's back door for Reyansh. He settled inside, with Taylor in the driver's seat and Luke in the car behind them.

As the cars rolled out of the airport exits onto the main road, Reyansh rolled down the window and gazed out at the sun, which was still high in the sky but casting a chill in the air. He couldn't shake off the feeling that she was here. Here he was, intending to surprise her, but she had managed to surprise him even more with this unexpected plan.

Leaning back, Reyansh rested his head against the seat, closing his eyes as he savored the sensation of the cold yet comforting breeze. After two weeks filled with chaos and stress, he is finally going to get peace. His jaan.


Siya entered the house, which they built together. Her excitement increased with the anticipation of meeting him. The fully neat and clean house caught her eye, and a sense of gratitude welled up within her as she remembered to thank Kaka for taking such good care of the house in their absence.

Making her way upstairs to their room, she found her luggage already placed. A gasp escaped her lips as she entered the room, a wide smile spreading across her face as she looked at the wall adorned with their pictures.

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