Dasain E Dard

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This book is no longer published

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This book is no longer published. But it is one of my favourite designs! Client wanted flowers, and gave me a bunch of real cover references where flowers were used. I simplified the concept by using a small amount of flowers that are wilted using lilies as requested by client. As it's a tragic story, I put tear drops on the words to convey that and I edited a ring to look smashed and broken. It's a small thing, however, I feel it draws out a deep meaning for those who take the time to look at covers. Sad that Wattpad really reduces the resolution!

The thing about this cover is... it took me a few hours to get to that point. As you'll see below. But before that, to get to the iconic silver 3D effect, I could have simply got a ready made generated free use one. But no, I love making it all myself! I layered, and layered and moved and layered all the fonts in a pattern, using varies blend modes to give this effect. It took a long time! And it's definitely tedious trying to find all layers without an actual layer panel as I did this on Phonto, but I managed!

 It took a long time! And it's definitely tedious trying to find all layers without an actual layer panel as I did this on Phonto, but I managed!

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The initial design was... okay. However it didn't call out to me as a designer and if it's not something I'm happy with, how could my clients be happy?

 However it didn't call out to me as a designer and if it's not something I'm happy with, how could my clients be happy?

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It took a few changes to get to the final piece!

To my lovely designers, it takes time. If something doesn't feel right, let it go. Take a break. Come back after you're relaxed and see it with fresh eyes. It's also helpful to talk to others and see if they notice anything as well.

Remember, you won't always get it right the first time! It may look like us designers have it all together, but it takes so much time and mental energy for us to not only find the best resources for you, but create something unique and exciting. To convey someone's imagination, bring it to life! Don't be hard on yourselves, you're all doing good! And don't be afraid to ask for help.

Zana | Graphic Portfolio Where stories live. Discover now