Chapter 4 Mitsuri is F**king pissed

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As Mitsuri waited at the bottom of Mount Fujikasane, she anxiously awaited her student Hajime's return. "It's the last day of the final selection. Hajime will be coming down any second," she said to herself. Hajime's brother Hiroshi wanted to come, but Mitsuri refused because she had seen several survivors come out severely injured or missing limbs.

As Mitsuri waited, the survivors began to come down. Kanao was the first to descend. "Hello, Kanao!" Mitsuri waved her hand, but Kanao never met her eyes as she waved back and left. 'Kanao and Hajime trained together. Hajime considered her a friend, so I hoped they would come down together.' Mitsuri thought.

Following Kanao, a boy with yellow hair came down. The boy looked at her and started to blush. Mitsuri waved at the boy, and his face turned fully red. He was about to say something when a sparrow came down from the sky and pecked his head. The boy screamed and started to run from the sparrow. If Mitsuri didn't know better, she would think the sparrow winked at her as it continued to chase the boy.

After him, a boy with a buzz cut came down. He didn't seem to notice Mitsuri, and if he did, he didn't care. Mitsuri was beginning to worry that Hajime hadn't come out yet.

After the buzz-cut boy, a boy wearing Hanafuda earrings came down, looking excited. Mitsuri was happy that most of them weren't hurt, but she couldn't shake the worry about Hajime. 'What if Hajime was seriously injured? I need to go see,' Mitsuri thought, starting to run up the stairs. 'The next person I see, I'm going to question them about Hajime,' Mitsuri vowed to herself. As if her words came true, a boy with red hair came down. Mitsuri ran straight up to him and grabbed his shoulder.

"Is there a pink-haired girl still up there?" Mitsuri asked. The boy had a good poker face; she couldn't tell anything from his expression. "No, there were not any girls with pink hair that came back," the boy said. Mitsuri's heart dropped. She threw the boy to the side as she began to run up the stairs as fast as she could. She would usually have apologized to the boy for throwing him, but she was not in the right state of mind.

As she reached the top, the twins were the only ones there. She made eye contact with them, and she could practically see the guilt in their eyes. Mitsuri gritted her teeth as she ran past them into the forest. 'She could still be in there, maybe just injured,' Mitsuri thought, tears starting to come out.

"Mitsuri-chan, wait!" one of the twins screamed after her, but Mitsuri didn't stop. She did not need to go too deep to find Hajime.

Mitsuri stopped and looked at her lifeless, bleeding body. Tears started to come out, but she still walked towards Hajime. Mitsuri sat next to her and cradled her head. Mitsuri made eye contact with her dull, lifeless eyes. As Mitsuri looked down at her neck, the bruising of a blade being pushed into her neck could be seen. Mitsuri gritted her teeth as she realized this wasn't the work of demons. If it was, there wouldn't be a body. 'One of the others killed her...And I'm going to find who did it, and I'm going to kill them.' Her eyes shone with anger and determination for revenge.

-A large house that is surrounded by land-

A library with a young, pale-looking boy reading was disturbed by a creature coming out of a beautiful vase. "My lord I have concerning news." The creature had a very bizarre and grotesque physiology, taking on the form of a pale white, abstracted, grotesque humanoid figure with a muscular upper torso that has no arms and resembles that of an armless statue growing from a porcelain vase, similar to a djinn. His midsection is a red-violet color while his lower half, or his tail is black. He had multiple infant-like hands that lined along his head and back.

Its face was even more distorted, with large green-lipped mouths located where one would expect his eyes to be located, and his actual eyes were located vertically from one another on his face; one eye appeared in the constantly open bottom mouth and the other was seated at the center of his forehead. The kanji for Upper Rank was engraved on his forehead's eye and the for Five was engraved on his mouth's eye.

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