Chapter XI

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I'm not sure how much time has passed when I'm suddenly jolted awake by the sound of voices outside my room. They're talking in hushed tones, their words muffled by the distance and the thick walls. I strain to make out what they're saying, but it's impossible to discern any specific words. The only thing I can tell is that there's a sense of urgency in their voices.

I fumble around in the darkness, searching for the light switch, but my arms and legs feel impossibly heavy, and I can't seem to move. A feeling of dread washes over me as I struggle to wake up fully. Slowly, my senses begin to return, and I realize that something isn't right. The voices outside the room have stopped, replaced by an eerie silence.

"I must have just imagined it." I think to myself, trying to convince myself that whatever it was I heard was just a dream. I close my eyes again, hoping to drift back into the safety of sleep. But try as I might, I can't seem to shake the uneasy feeling that something isn't right.

I drift back into sleep. The next morning I'm awoken by being pick up by Alice. "Time to start the day baby girl." She Coos softly, picking me up from the crib. "Are you hungry? I bet you are." Alice carries me over to the changing table, setting me down gently on my stomach. 

She unfastens the diaper, revealing my soft, pink skin beneath. The cool air hits my exposed bottom, making me squirm slightly.

With practiced ease, Alice lifts my legs up, one at a time, and pulls the soiled diaper away. She reaches for a fresh diaper and carefully spreads it out, positioning it beneath me. As she fastens the tabs into place, I feel the familiar but reassuring snugness against my skin. It's like being wrapped up in a warm hug, and I can't help but relax into her touch.

She then turns her attention to my hair, which has become somewhat tangled during the night. Gently, she begins to brush it, working out the knots and tangles. The soft, bristly brush glides through my hair, sending waves of pleasure coursing through my body. It's a sensation that I've never experienced before, but I find myself loving it. As she continues to brush, her touch becomes more confident and assured, and I can feel my hair beginning to fall smoothly behind me.

When she's finished, she holds me up so that I can see myself in the mirror. My reflection stares back at me, and I can't help but gasp in awe. The dress she's put me in is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It's a soft, pastel pink with lace trim around the collar and sleeves. The skirt flares out gracefully, falling well below my knees. The bodice is fitted, showing off my tiny waist, and has a bow at the center that ties neatly in the back. I feel like a real-life doll, like something out of a fairy tale. I stare back at myself still softly sucking on the pacifier.

Alice picks me up and carries me up to the game room. Placing me on the sofa."Alright sweetie why don't you watch some TV while I work?" She says, sitting down next to me and picking up the remote. "You like Dora the Explorer, don't you?"

"No I don't, stop treating me like a child..." I frown at her, before Alice can respond the door in the back opens we both hear a humming noise as Creator floats in. "Alice we have Intruders." It says in it's deep familiar voice.

"I see, Creator." Alice replies calmly, not taking her eyes off me. Alice picks me up and carries me to the lab.The lab is cold, almost unnaturally so. A chill wind seems to blow through the room, making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. The floor is made of gleaming white tile, cold and unyielding beneath my feet. The walls are lined with stainless steel cabinets, their doors locked and bolted shut. A single, harsh light flickers overhead, casting long, sinister shadows across the room.

Alice walks over besides the weather controller pulling a lever. The ceiling opens up a bit on the edge of the room with a camera feed monitoring the side of the mountain. The camera flickers to life showing a greyed out feed. A man and woman can been seen walking around scanning the area.

Kidnapped and babied by a ScientistWhere stories live. Discover now