Chapter X

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I sit up the next morning hearing my diaper crinkle a sound that I've gotten all to used to, my head feels fuzzy. I sit up in the crib learning back against the bars rubbing my eyes as my pacifier falls out of my mouth and into my lap.

I feel a bit better than last night but I still feel somewhat sick. The medicine that Alice game me suppressing the fever, but not getting rid of it at least not yet.

I'm still sitting in the crib when I hear movement outside the room, I assume it's Alice since she's the only one here. The door opens and she peeks her head in. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she says with a warm smile. "How are you feeling today?"

"Better...." I meekly reply rubbing my eyes. My voice is still a little hoarse from the fever. "But my diaper's wet." I add, looking down at the wet patch on my onesie.

"Oh dear, you're right we might have to get you thicker diapers." Alice says with a concerned tone. She then walks over to the crib and lifts me out. I'm still a little unsteady on my feet so she holds me up for a moment before leading me over to the changing table. She gently lays me down on my back and starts to undo my onesie, revealing my wet diaper.

Alice pulls the diaper off and sets it aside, then she cleans my skin with a warm, wet washcloth. As she works, I can feel the cool air on my bottom, making me squirm a little. "Sorry, I know that feels a bit chilly." She apologizes, then pats my bottom dry. "There you go, all nice and clean."

She then reaches for a fresh diaper, opening it carefully and sliding it underneath me. With practiced ease, she fastens it into place, making sure it's nice and snug. "Now, how about we get you into some clothes that fit a bit better?" She asks, as she helps me sit up.

I nod, still feeling a little unsteady on my feet, and she helps me stand. She holds me close, one arm around my shoulders, as she leads me over to the dresser. "Let's see... I think a big dress will suit my princess today." She smiles, then picks out a soft pink dress with lace trimming and a fluffy skirt. "How does that sound?"

I nod, my cheeks flushing slightly at the compliment. She carefully lifts my arms and slides the dress over my head, then helps me slide my arms into the sleeves. "There you go," she says with a satisfied smile, "you look absolutely adorable."

Alice carries me out of my room closing the door behind us, moving into the bathroom across the hallway. She places me down smiling softly before turning her attention back to her own morning routine. She opens up her toothbrush, brushes her teeth carefully, and then rinses her mouth with warm water. As she brushes her hair, I watch in awe as her long, silky strands glisten in the light. She uses a wide-toothed comb to detangle any knots, carefully working through her hair until it's smooth and shiny.

She turns to me and smiles, setting the comb down on the bathroom counter. "Okay, little one, it's your turn." She says gently, sitting me down on her lap. With gentle, careful hands, she brushes my teeth for me, making sure to be thorough but also making sure not to brush too hard. When she's finished, she rinses my mouth out with warm water and pats my cheek dry.

She then takes out a brush with soft, gentle bristles and begins to comb through my hair. Her movements are slow and deliberate, carefully working through any tangles. I close my eyes, enjoying the soft, rhythmic motions and the warmth of her body. As she continues, she hums a soft tune, making me feel safe and loved.

"There we go, all nice and comfy now." Alice says with a contented sigh, setting the brush aside. She picks me up again and carries me back into my room, setting me down on the soft, fluffy carpet. "How about some breakfast?" She asks, smiling down at me. I nod eagerly, my stomach rumbling in agreement.

Kidnapped and babied by a ScientistWhere stories live. Discover now