Chapter VIII

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I wake up to the sound of her voice calling my name, followed by a gentle knock on the door. "Time to wake up, sleepyhead," she says, walking into the room with a warm, freshly made bottle in her hands. "I made you some breakfast while you were sleeping." She carefully lifts me out of the crib, cradling me in her arms as she carries me to the nearby changing table. There, she expertly changes my diaper and dresses me in a soft, comfy onesie before bringing me back to the kitchen.

She then places me in a high chair before pulling up her sleeve. "Gastro make some eggs and bacon." Alice stands crossing her arms waiting for the machine, a brief moment of silence follows, and then she begins to tap her foot impatiently on the floor. "Well, where is that Gastro?" she mutters under her breath. She pulls up her sleeve "Gastro did you not hear me? Come to my location now." 

She glances around the room, noticing that some of the buttons on the control panel seem to be flashing a bit. "That's odd..." she says to herself, before pressing a few of them in quick succession. Alice waits a few moments before pulling up her sleeve once again, "Mr. Creator where is gastro?" I familiar deep annoyed voice creeps upon my ears. "He's charging." 

I hear Mr. Creator say behind the arm gadget "What? why is he charging? What happened he should be a full power right about now., or at least at 70% he's battery lasts about 20 hours." Alice says calmly. Mr.Creators voice comes through wrist gadget once again, "He fell on his side and ran out of power." He explains. "Oh that clumsy thing." Alice mutters under her breath before she presses a few more buttons on the control panel. "Alright, make sure he's charging now, I'll just make breakfast myself then." Alice says with a hint of Annoyance in her voice.

Alice walks over to the high chair picking me up and placing me by her side carrying me with her left arm as she walks to the hallway out of the game room she walks back into the sterile lab. The room is full of machines and tables, all looking like they're from another time. Alice opens a door next to the weather machine. revealing the large vat laboratory from before I can see Mr creator hovering in the corner of the room working on gastro as he seems to be making sure gastro is really out of power and hasn't suffered for a breakdown. Alice carries me past him through another door revealing a sterile kitchen with stainless steel appliances and countertops, she places me on the high chair near the stove.

She walks over to the fridge and pulls out some eggs and a loaf of bread, setting them down on the counter. "Talita, what would you like for breakfast?" She asks, glancing over at me. I smile up at her, my blue eyes bright with anticipation. "I want eggs and toast," I reply, my voice still a little groggy from sleep.

Alice smiles softly at me "Eggs and toast coming up baby girl." Alice pulls a pan out of the cabinet below the stove and turns the stove on before moving to the icebox pulling out a carton of eggs.

Alice takes an apron from a drawer below the oven and straps it around her waist.

I watch as Alice then pulls out some bread from the top cabinet and places it in the toaster.

Alice then pours some extra-virgin olive oil on to the pan before picking up one of the white eggs extending her arm out watching the pan fizzle. Alice freezes for a moment then, swiftly cracks the egg on the pan.

I hear a gasp from Alice while I fidget with my hands. She stares at the egg in disgust, moments later the toast coming out of the toaster burnt. I look at both foods, the toast is burnt sure but the egg seems fine it just has an eggshell on the yoik.

Alice throws the egg and burnt toasts away from washing the pan in the sink nearby then, starts again.

Alice swiftly cracks the next egg the same way she did before then places the lid over the pan. She quickly removes lid, the steam smoking up the kitchen momentarily.

Kidnapped and babied by a ScientistDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora