Making it home

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First they had Lyra play a tune to make the burgen fall asleep and then all five trolls and Lyra made it to the window and they climbed out and then they climbed down the beanstalk until they made it to the ground 

Boris: now how do we make sure that she doesn't try to climb down and come after us

John Dory: don't worry Boris I got this *then he pulls out five axes 🪓*

Christina: what is that sharp thing 😧

Bruce: do you always carry those 😨

John Dory: well Christie these are axes and all we have to do is hit the beanstalk with them until it goes down and to Bruce yes it never hurts to be prepared 😁

Bruce: remind me to never let you babysit my kids 🤦‍♀️

Christina: your a father 

Bruce: yes I am a proud father of thirteen 😄

Samantha: can we just chop this thing down now 

Boris: she is right the burgen will wake up eventually 

Then all five trolls chopped down the beanstalk and were met by all of the people of Happy Valley who were celebrating the return of Lyra 



Bruce: as much of a idiot I think my older brother is he has a point you guys can't depend on this instrument for your food or water supply she wants to be treated like a person 

Random: but we don't know how to make it our selves 

Boris: we can teach you how to farm

Then everyone decides to maybe try framing themselves with the help of Boris and Samantha 

Bruce: you know JD minus us getting trapped in a cage that was built for a bird i actually had some fun being here with you 😄

John Dory: I had fun with you too it honestly reminds me of when we were little plus we made a new friend 

And the two brothers hugged 

Cloud Guy: *appears out of a wormhole* hello boys I guess my plan to trap you guys together worked 

John Dory: if you're here to take us back to our world then can we bring Lyra with us 

Cloud Guy: well since you are my favorite out of you five brothers why the heck not 

Then Cloud Guy shined a flash of light at John Dory, Bruce and Lyra and they woke up back in the bunker 

Clay, Floyd and Branch: JOHN DORY, BRUCE YOU GUYS ARE BACK 😄😄😄

And all five brothers hugged 

Bruce: I'm so sorry that we were gone for almost two days 😭

Clay: two days we have been waiting for you guys for a hour 

John Dory: so that means time in those worlds pass differently 


Bruce: how are you guys 

Clay: well me and Viva are going to be a official couple 

Branch: I didn't go through much but me and Poppy did realize that our love is always there no matter what world we're in 

Floyd: and I am going to ask out Boom ☺️

Poppy: what about you guys 

John Dory: let's just say that Bruce and I bonded and we got to relive a part of our childhood and we made a new friend 

Lyra: hi everyone I'm Lyra 

Bruce: Lyra these our younger brothers Clay, Floyd and Branch and the one with blonde hair is Viva I guess Clay's new girlfriend and the one with pink hair is Poppy and she's Branch's girlfriend and Viva's sister 

All: hi 👋 

Poppy: your going to love it here Lyra

Lyra: thank you Poppy 😊

The end 

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