Chapter 10

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Elizabeth made her way to the chapel where she used to pray, where Father Benedictus was waiting for her, arms crossed. Sukebe also came but stayed silent, witnessing the scene that was about to happen. None of the women wore their usual nuns' outfits, instead wearing civil clothes. Benedictus stared at them with a tone of judgment and shame. The quietude of the room was heavy, making Sukebe uncomfortable just by her presence. Elizabeth on the other hand stayed calm, not letting the least emotion shown. After minutes that felt like hours, the man finally broke the heavy silence that lay in the room.

"Sister Elizabeth, I think you forgot your habit."

As an answer to the man's question, Elizabeth approached him and handed him a bag she was carrying. After looking inside it, Father Benedictus realized that it contained two nuns' uniforms. Shocked, he looked at the woman and asked with an authoritative voice.

"What is the meaning of this sister Elizabeth?"

"I believe that this is quite clear." Answered Elizabeth with a soft tone "I am no longer sister Elizabeth, and she is no longer sister Sukebe. We decided to leave the monastery, you won't have to trouble yourself with us, nor find a task for me to execute."

Sukebe walked next to Elizabeth, and together they both bowed in respect and talked in a solemn voice.

"Thank you for taking care of us, may God bless you."

The man looked inside the bag, still shocked about the news. He took a deep breath and asked in a confused voice.

"Do you at least know where you are going?" 

"God will lead our way." Answered Elizabeth.

"I see. It probably means that your place wasn't among us. Thank you for honoring this place with your presence. May the Lord guide your step. Amen." 


The two women turned around, preparing to leave the chapel. Elizabeth looked behind her one last time, staring at the glass pane with nostalgia in her eyes. She reminisced about all of her life, and how she grew up in this place, praying the Lord every single day. But those days were over now, and a slight feeling of unease went through her heart. 

"Eliza, is everything alright?" 

Elizabeth looked at Sukebe. Just seeing her reminded her of the reason they left. As long as it made Sukebe happy, the rest didn't matter to her. She gave her lover a warm smile and took her hand.

"Yes my dear, let's go."

The former nuns were on their way to leave the monastery. Sukebe took her beloved's hand, and leaned softly toward her, with a dumb smile on her face. Elizabeth answered by caressing her head and smiled back at her.

"Do you think he was mad at us?" Asked Sukebe.

"I think he's just sad that he lost an amazing cook." 

Sukebe giggled softly. She never felt so happy before, and even if their future was uncertain, they knew that together they could face it. 

The monastery was behind them now, but an unexpected voice called them. They turned to see the origin of the voice and saw Maria running toward them.

"Is that true? You're leaving?" Maria's question was answered by a simple nod of Elizabeth's head "Why?.. How can you leave just like that?"

"By walking." Answered Elizabeth "And as to why, let's just say that my faith belongs somewhere else."

Maria stared at them with a look of despair and noticed the two of them holding hands. It visibly bothered her, but she did her best to contain herself.

"I can't believe it. You've really ruined everything for some stupid whore." 

"Don't call her like that!" Elizabeth talked with a strong voice, even intimidating Maria "Sukebe is a pure and innocent soul. You maybe won't accept it, but she's following God's teaching more than you."

"Because you're following God's teaching? You've sinned for the devil."

"God is kind, I'll accept the punishment for my sin when the time will come." 

Maria was at a loss for words and looked at the two lovers with frustration.

"Winter will come, if the cold doesn't kill you, then hunger will."

Sukebe felt sad to assist the two old friends arguing with each other. Even if she didn't like Maria, she interrupted them for Elizabeth's sake.

"Sister Maria, why are you being so rude? Weren't you friends before?" 

"Exactly, before." Answered Maria with disdain in her voice "But she ruined everything. I don't want to see her ever again."

"But... You came here for her. Isn't it because you miss her?"

Elizabeth seemed surprised by Sukebe's words. She wasn't sure what to think of it, was it the reason Maria was so defensive about Sukebe? Before she could ask, Maria answered.

"Don't talk like you know me. I hope you end up in the endless torment of hell." 

Without another word, Maria left with rage still within her heart. 

Sukebe held Elizabeth's arm, pressing it tightly against her.

"I'm sorry Eliza, I didn't want to make you lose your friend."

"It would have happened anyway, you're way better than her."

Sukebe couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty, but she trusted Elizabeth and felt glad that she finally had someone who would love her truly. She smiled at Elizabeth, who gently kissed her forehead, and after looking at the monastery one last time, they left toward the unknown.

The moon was high in the sky. The grass was waving as the wind passed through it, and the two women started eating what they took with them. The field was glowing under the moonlight, the cold air forced the two women to stay near each other to warm themselves. But even if the weather wasn't cold, they still would have stood close to each other.

After they finished eating, the two of them lay on the ground, watching the sky full of stars. Elizabeth was about to talk but noticed that Sukebe was already sleeping. Seeing her peaceful was relaxing for Elizabeth, she realized that she made the right choice. For a moment, she still had some doubts, she wasn't sure whether they would be happy in the outside world after all. But seeing her beloved's innocent and happy face made every doubt in her mind disappear. She gave her a light kiss on the cheek, caressing her hair with her hand. Acting by reflex, she started to suck on her lover's ear, holding her tightly. In her head, she was thinking about how much she changed because of Sukebe. She didn't mind it so much, actually, she was happy with it.

Elizabeth and Sukebe both were asleep under the starlight, innocently lying on nature's bed. The soft wind blew onto them, gently moving their hairs. For the first time, they were free. Free of their past, free of rules, free of judgment. Only jailed by the other's embrace, a jail that none of them wanted to escape. Even if their future was unclear, they were ready to face it, as long as they stayed together.

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