Chapter 6

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Elizabeth slowly opened her eyes and immediately remembered what happened last night. She felt extremely embarrassed when she thought about the kiss they had and the feelings she felt. Deep inside her, she knew it was wrong but at the same time, she didn't regret it.
Sukebe was lying next to her, still asleep. She seemed so peaceful while sleeping, Elizabeth couldn't stop herself from caressing her innocent-looking face. Her long black hair was lying on the bed, all tangled together. It made Elizabeth realize that she never removed her nun outfit in front of her and that Sukebe never got to see all of her hair. Seeing Sukebe like that filled Elizabeth's head with memories from last night, making her wish to cuddle more. Sadly, she knew she had a duty to do. She kissed her lover's cheek before leaving for the cellar. 

Elizabeth finished taking care of her duty. Tomorrow would be the day they ship most of their wine bottles so she needed to make sure that everything would be alright. She was about to go but was surprised to see Maria enter, accompanied by Father Benedictus.

"Sister Maria, Father Benedictus? Did something happen?"

"Elizabeth, you have to repent while you-"

Father Benedictus raised his hand, putting a halt to Maria's rant.

"I'll take care of it, sister Maria."

Elizabeth felt worried about what was going to happen to her, both Maria and Benedictus had a serious expression on their face. She felt like a child about to be scolded, with no choice but to listen.

"Sister Elizabeth, I suppose that you know, but it's about sister Sukebe. Maria told me about the bottle that she stole, and about how you covered it up."

"Father, I-"

"Silence! You shall speak when I'm over."

Elizabeth stayed calm outside, but inside her, it was hard for her to contain herself and her feelings.

"Yes... Father."

"Good, it is only one bottle after all, so I won't punish any of you. But I will have to ask you to take responsibility for lying and hiding the truth. Maybe taking care of the inventory isn't made for you after all. Tomorrow, you'll take care of the shipment, and we'll find a new place for you, one where you won't be able to cause any problems."

"You should esteem yourself lucky." Added Maria "Without me, it could have been worse."

Elizabeth bowed down, doing her best to appear as calm as she could.

"Yes, I understand. I'm sorry, Father Benedictus, sister Maria. It is my mistake, and I shall accept the divine punishment of the Lord for it."

"Good, I'm glad to see that you're still a faithful girl. I'm going to go now, this monastery feels more like a school with how much you make me work here."

Father Benedictus left, leaving the two former friends behind.
Maria slowly approached Elizabeth, her face didn't let any emotion go through, making it hard to know what she was thinking.

"Elizabeth, I-"

"Sister Elizabeth, that's what you mean to say I believe."

"Yes... Sister Elizabeth. I didn't mean for it to go that way, but understand me! I was scared of what was happening to you, you're going down a dark path."

Elizabeth made a big smile, trying her best to look as innocent as possible.

"Don't worry, God will always light my way, even if the path is dark."

"God won't always be here..."

"Sister Maria, I can assure you that he will. I think that I found God again actually."

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