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"We haven't been to church in a long time. I think we should go today." Fantasia had church in the back of her mind this whole time. She couldn't get over the initial reactions people would have from her not coming to church in nearly a month, and now she had a girlfriend.

She could have easily left the church she had been going to, because she hadn't been there in a while and they weren't accepting of her kind. However, she wanted to go back to that church.

"Baby, do we have to go back there? We can't find another church to go to?" Taraji was clearly opposed to the idea of going to church, especially that church.

"I just want to go and see everybody again. Even if it's my last time, I want to make things right before I officially leave." Fantasia slid out of the bed with Taraji. She knew that Taraji would do whatever she asked her to do. She just always had to fuss a little bit beforehand.

"Tasia, I have a question."

"What is it?" She stopped right in her tracks and turned, facing Taraji.

" You've been staying at my place for a while... Does that mean you're gonna finally move in with me? That would make me so happy!" Her eyes widened like a puppy that was waiting to get a treat. "Plus, I ain't never been over your house! How come? " she added

"Taraji, can we talk about this later. One thing at a time." Fantasia sighed innocently

"Oh? Okay." Taraji didn't try to pry an answer out of Fantasia, but her mind started to race with reasons why she hadn't been to Fantasia's house, or why she hadn't even mentioned her home that much.

The pressure weighs heavily on the two of them. The pressure of having to answer to a church that is not accepting of who they are. The pressure of healing those things from the past that constantly hinder them from moving forward and honouring the present. Even the things they don't have enough courage to speak about at the moment. How will they react to the church ridiculing them? Because they will...

"Raji, you ready?"

"Hold on, let me get my earrings!"

Taraji rushed around her room looking for the earrings she wanted to wear. The more Fantasia waited for her the more her nerves took over.

It was like Fantasia laid her eyes on Taraji for the first time again.

"Raji, you look nervous."

"That's because I am nervous. I'm nervous for you- shit, and me too."

Fantasia grabbed Taraji by the hand, looking her deep in the eyes.

"I'm nervous too, but everything's gonna be alright because at the end of the day we'll leave the church and still have each other."

They had been sharing clothes for the little time Fantasia had been staying at her house. They started to exchange scents after some time too.

Church felt like they were throwing themselves under the bus. They were throwing themselves under the bus. But, why? No one was forcing them to be there. Why did they feel the need to return? More clearly, why did Fantasia feel the obligation to return?

They heard music playing from inside.

"Oouu, honey, I know they're missing your voice up in there!" Taraji laughed at what she was hearing

"Baby,stop it!" Fantasia tried to hide her laughter

When they got inside they were surprised by the emptiness of the church. There was the First Lady , who was the one "singing" into the microphone; she stood near the organ where she had set up the CD player that was playing the instrumental.

She noticed them entering immediately because the church set up allowed it.

"Who's that?" She turned off the CD and put her glasses back on. She started to recognize the faces before her. Her breathing became sharp, while she fixed her mouth to say things an honourable First Lady would never say.

Before she got started on her tangent her husband, the pastor, appeared through the door next to the pulpit. It leads to the basement of the church.

"Sister Fantasia?" He questioned like he couldn't believe his eyes

"Yes pastor, it's me." She looked down full of guilt for being missing in action.

Taraji watched Fantasia and noticed she was becoming nervous. She moved closer to her and held her hand for support. The First Lady could hardly hide her disgust. The pastor didn't pay it any mind.

"Thought you had left the church, Sister Fantasia. It hurt my heart to see you up and leave like that." The pastor began walking towards Fantasia and Taraji.

"No, I didn't leave. I just got caught up in a few things. I should've said something though."

The air in the church was heavy

"Said something? Honey, what's more important than coming to church and praising the lord? He is the one that gave you life; health, strength, and that voice we allow you to stand up here service after service and share with the saints!" The First Lady stepped in

"I know mother-"

"I'm not done talking!"

Taraji placed her hands in her pocket, trying to control the anger she felt every time she heard this woman speak.

"You are acting ungrateful, and the fact that me and my husband allowed you to stay with us in our home!"

The pastor knew where things were headed when the First Lady said that. He tried his best to keep this train on its tracks. " Alright now, we don't need to bring all that up! No need in beating the girl over the head for a mistake!" He worked his way in to intervene. Not because he cared but only to save himself.

"Nah, let her speak her piece." Taraji had already picked up on the game the pastor was attempting to play.

"I appreciate yall allowing me to stay at your home."

By this point, Fantasia couldn't even look at any of them in their eyes.

"You cared so much you tried to sleep with my husband." The First Lady whispered under her breath, but everyone in the room could still hear her.

It was silent after she made the claim

"I did not try to sleep with your husband, he tried to sleep with me." Fantasia corrected her calmly, still trying to maintain the respect she had for her.

It was a triggering statement that made Fantasia start to shake with anger.

"Tell the truth and shame the devil! You tried to sleep with my husband! You know it, I know it, he knows it, and the entire church knows it too!" She kept attacking Fantasia

"Your husband was trying to sleep with me after I had already told him that I was not interested in him. That is why he would have me come to those late night choir "rehearsals" with him because he was trying to sleep with me! Everyone would be gone and he would start trying to sleep with me. He would say he would kick me out and leave me with nowhere to stay if I didn't sleep with him. I'm too grown to allow y'all to keep getting away with the bullshit!" Fantasia exploded

" What did you say?"

" You heard her bitch!" Taraji started walking up to meet the first lady where she was at.

"Raji, stop it! They are not even worth it! Worse things are going to happen to them, trust me."

" Oouu, you better be glad Fantasia is here because I definitely would've worked your ass over time. Don't think you off the chain either, Steve Harvey! You over there quiet because you did everything she said you did! Let's go, baby."

" Oh so now you are staying with her and sleeping with her? I always knew you were a lesbian. It started with that haircut!"

" So, it's okay for your husband to sleep with men on the weekends but not for me to sleep with my girlfriend? Okay, got it! I'm glad we're not running off your logic."

Taraji's mouth was agape when she heard this information. " Oop, y'all have a blessed one! Pastor, be who you are, sweetheart. BE. WHO. YOU. ARE!"

They left the same way that they came, but this time for good... maybe

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