Mother and Son💧

754 18 13

Platonic Relationship between Luna and Earth not requested
Timeline: Start of WW2
3rd POV:

As Luna woke up in his bed he looked around sighing he was only dreaming...he always had strange dreams like this one this time it was the same dream he was a small brown planet and his mama (Earth) or a younger version of his mama appeared in this was awfully strange to him. He got up and when to Earth's room

Earth was sleeping soundly but....too...soundly...when Luna got in Earth's room he went straight to Earth. He sat on Earths chest gently shaking him and nudging his shoulder "cmon momma wake up!!"

Earth didn't wake up.

Luna was puzzled this has never happened before..he tried shaking him a little harder nudging him too maybe he was in deep sleep...? Suddenly explosions came from Earth and Luna exactly knew what was happening....THE STUPID EARTHLINGS!

"No no no noo!!" Luna yelled shaking his sleeping mother "Mommy please wake up!!" Earth didn't wake up...Luna figured Earth was in coma...Luna was panicking now "Ok ok what do I do?? I'm just a tiny moon!! I can't do nothing!" He thought to himself "Oh no...what if he never wakes up??"

Luna started getting worried and started panicking more as tears formed in his eyes. "NO! I CANT LOOSE HIM NO" he screamed crying hugging Earths chest tightly "PLEASE WAKE UP!!"

Luna was a crying mess hugging his mother "oh god no...he can't just not wake up...I can't just loose him like this...cmon I tried waking him up multiple times..I don't doesn't make sense...I'm just a moon how can I wake up a planet!?"

Luna tried gently shaking Earth's torso trying to wake him up, tears were still running down his cheeks "come on..come on wake up momma..please I don't want you to leave...I don't want to be alone in this vast universe.."

"He's in a coma..." Darkside spoked up behind Luna while he cried silently.. "Those stupid fucking earthlings put him in this fucking state!" Darkside yelled angrily with sadness. "I know.."Luna whispered wiping his nose and his tears still running down his cheeks "why would those bastards do such a thing...he didn't even do anything to them....but now he might never wake up.."

Luna was hugging his mothers chest even tighter and continued to sob on Earth's chest "I don't want to live in a universe without him....he is my biggest comfort..." Luna was in tears it hurt to watch Earths living celestial body unmoving..

Darkside wanted to comfort his twin but he couldn't...he couldn't show emotions...he felt the same way as Luna...he wanted to be there for his mother...but he CAN'T.

"D-darkside....?" Luna turned to see his brother but saw...the same he could see it...he was also broken...he knew Darkside cared for Earth but Darkside couldn't show emotions..he just couldn't and he felt the exact same way..he was in his own misery and there was no one to comfort him..

Luna couldn't stop crying he was in so much sorrow thinking he'd never get to see his mother again, just the thought was breaking his heart and it hurted to watch Earth laying there made him furious.

"I just want him to wake up...why can't he wake up??" Luna was sobbing "those damn humans..if I wasn't just a moon I would go and take them all out one by one.."

Darkside stayed quiet

"Damn it I'm a useless moon!" Luna yelled, "why didn't I become a planet instead!? Why am I just a useless moon?" luna was getting angrier and upset as he continued "I'm just a moon! I can't do anything to save my mother..not like this.."

Luna was shaking uncontrollably now and was hyperventilating, his breath was short and shallow, his eyes watered, his skin was clammy and felt cold to the touch, he was breathing faster and quicker trying to get himself to stop sobbing and freaking out, he was having a panic attack. If Earth didn't wake up soon he would have a complete mental breakdown.

Luna laid back on Earths chest letting it cradle and soothe him "PLEASE COME BACK TO ME" Luna whispered softly, the crying was still intense and heavy and his sobs were loud as tears and snot ran down his face. ("Come back to my please~!" Lol that song gonna get stuck my my head)

Luna started sobbing, his sobs were becoming more intense as he continued his pleading. "I NEED YOU, I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME" He screamed in desperation and anger as he continued to cry and sob into Earths chest........

Author's note: Not me wanting angst- lol
Words: 818

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