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SO SORRY IT'S LATE 😭 bgladholelover
Btw yes Planets gotta have houses
3rd person POV:

Earth got out of his bed and he didn't feel so good....went downstairs of his house and look around for Luna and called his name but no answer. Earth got worried he look everywhere but didn't see Luna. He then walk outside to look for him not noticing the note left for him by Luna.

Earth went to Venus' orbit to check if Venus had saw Luna or Luna was there. Venus saw Earth and walked up to him "Ugh, what is it Earth?" Venus said looking at Earth who wasn't looking too good.. "H-Have you seen..Luna..?" Earth asked weakly he looked very ill.

"Of course not, why are you so weak right now?" Venus asked walking up closer to Earth. Earth stepped back a little then suddenly he left like throwing up and than suddenly he threw up oil.

"EARTH!"  Venus shouted as he ran to Earth. When Venus got to Earth he grabbed Earth's arm to check on him. Earth was coughing while throwing up more. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!?" Venus shouted, extremely worried about his condition.. But Venus tried to hide it he was a Tusndere after all but....he just....can't let his best friend.....his crush....die...

"ANSWER ME DAMMIT, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU..?!" Venus yelled. Then Earth had suddenly passed out "EARTH!" Venus was now frantic.. Earth needed help! He could ask Jupiter! Or Saturn! Or Mars! He doesn't know! Earth needs help!

Venus was too in shock that he couldn't even think of asking anyone else for help he tried to pick him up to take him to get some help.. Venus felt Earth's head boiling (the North Ocean, Greenland. the North Pole 😭😭😭).

"WHAT THE HELL" Venus was scared and panicked even more he didn't know what to do and he really wasn't in the mood for any of this, now he only had to worry about himself, but he didn't want that he still cared for him.. Venus ran to Earth's house quickly while holding Earth.

Venus ran as fast as he could with Earth in his arms he got to Earth's house and entered. When he got in the house Venus called out to Luna "LUNA!" he yelled out, looking for the moon. "LUNA... GET DOWN HERE NOW...!" Venus shouted. There was no answer.. Venus was starting to panic...

Venus saw a note to Earth from Luna saying that he was with his boyfriend Titan. Venus was furious seeing this on the note he didn't understand why he was wasting his time on a "Relationship" while the person who raised him is dying..

Venus then kissed Earth's forehead as he looked down at him.. Venus lava tears dropped upon the Earth's forehead, he wasn't sure if he was going to make it or not.. his feelings for Earth were starting to become evident by now..

Venus wanted to confess to Earth....if Earth ever survived...but it's not like he would admit those feelings for Earth after all Venus isn't one to admit his feelings very often..

Venus went to Earth's room, put him down and walked out and when walking in the hallway he saw there was many different rooms in the house but many of them were bedrooms. Venus walked past all of them quickly as he checked each of the rooms to see if there was any sort of medicine in any of the bedroom. But.. there didn't seem to be anything that he could use to help Earth.. When he got back to Earth's room he looked at Earth unconscious figure.

Venus was starting to break down.. The pain.. seeing his loved one being tortured by some "Disease"..

But.. all this crying wasn't.. helping anyone.. so he tried to control himself.. though it was no easy task as he was starting to break down into sobs..
Venus remember the Earthlings....THEY MIGHT BE THE PROBLEM! He was starting to remember the earthlings.. maybe they were the problem after all.. that would make sense.. this entire day has been stressful and chaotic since he saw the earthlings do something again.. so the problem might really be them..
All the wars on Earth...All the pollution...All the harm they caused to Earth....
It all started making sense to him now. The earthlings, it was them.. the reason why the planet was like this.. they really were the problem. The earthlings, with their constant polluting and harming the planet.. they really were the reason why earth was like this and he hated it.. "THOSE FUCKING DAMN EARTHLINGS!" Venus yelled crying lava has he slammed his fist on the table next to Earth but even that didn't wake him up..

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