Chapter 3

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??? POV

Slowly waking up from a well-rested sleep, I rubbed my eyes as they started to adjust to a purple blur in my face. Once fully adjusted, I jumped a little to see Kit in my face staring down at me."You scared me, Kit," sitting up, I looked down at it and noticed him patting his paws as there were two buttons sitting by his feet. He actually found buttons, for me to fix his eyes, with a smile I picked up the buttons and patted my lap, which he instantly crawled onto.

"Now, hopefully, this doesn't hurt you too much." Carefully, I worked on little Kit's eyes, which luckily didn't hurt him much as he now looks good as new... despite the stitched and small chunks missing. Once done, he ran around all happily before pouncing onto my chest, pushing me down. I wasn't expecting the plushies to be strong, with how much they can weigh me down.

Giving him a little pat on the head, my movement froze when I heard a low animalistic sound like a growl? Snore? I looked at the other plushies who were sound asleep, but they were quieter than what I had just heard. Then I saw it, a bit of movement as there was a large purple tail that moved slightly on the floor, staring at the tail my vision followed it to a large purple body of a cat, and the head... was hidden in the darkness, turned away from me, most likely sleeping away.

'...It's a bigger kitty!!!' excitement made me instantly interested in the large creature, but I was also worried about disturbing it. Standing up, I quietly went a little closer and was gonna place my hand on his fur, but stopped when Kit started to tug at my dress away from the large feline.  Feeling like i shouldn't, I retracted my hand and observed it. It was really skinny, being able to see its ribs and pelvic bone through the skin. He must be starving... how many more creatures are in this place?

I stepped back and went into my bag again to see what larger food I had. Digging around in it, I realized that there was an abundance of ham in the bag... how much ham did she put in here?! I almost giggled at the thought, but I stayed quiet, not wanting to disturb all who's still sleeping. In the end, I sat 4 hams by the Purple Cat, and I sat one by the sleeping critters for when they woke up.

"Alright Kit, can you show me where I can leave to look around?" I whispered, and Kit let out a distorted meow as he walked towards the bars where we entered from. Following along, I noticed something in the corner of my eye underneath some rubble. Wondering what it was, I carefully moved a few rocks and tugged at what was under there just to gasp to find a lower half of brown stuffed legs. I quickly covered my mouth both to prevent me from crying  out and from vomiting when I noticed chunks of meat on the inside of the legs.

'Okay, now's a good time to go follow Kit.' I quickly went to follow the small critter through the bars, trying to pull myself through, but I was suddenly stuck. "Oh no... Kit, I'm stuck!" I panicked a little and was surprised since i didn't get stuck before, I knew I should've gone sideways and not head first. Kit looked around like he was wondering what to do, then I watched as he went further into the cell area and went towards the left cell at the end. 'What is he doing?'

After Kit went into that cell, I could hear sounds of struggle and what sounded like some metal being undone like a belt. "What do you want you-" I heard a voice that sounded weak but a bit rough spoke, before it finished it's sentence Kit came out of that cell and was staring in it like he was waiting for something. The sound of labored breaths of struggling along with dragging can be heard, my nerves started to get to me, and my breath became shaky as I waited for what's gonna emerge from that cell.

That's when I saw a large dog with a sun pendant using its front limbs to crawl out of the cell. As it crawled out full, that's when I noticed its lower half was completely gone, and a chunk of flesh was all I could see remaining. "alright you critter, where-" The dog was cut off yet again as Kit just crawled his way over to me, and the dog's gaze widened when it saw me, stuck in between two bars. "Um... Hello, " I waved shyly towards the toy, still a bit horrified seeing practically half a corpse walking around with its hands.

"A human? How are you still alive in this place?" I looked at him confused at his question, I had many to ask now that there's someone here who can actually talk. "Um... I don't know what you mean... but I'm stuck. Could you help me please?" I asked him politely, and the way his head moved seemed like he was examining where I was stuck.

"Hmm, here, let's try turning you sideways." he reached towards me as he gently but carefully turned and pulled me out. "There you go," patting my head after setting me down gently. With a smile, I got up and dusted off my dress as Kit jumped on my head. "Thank you, and thank you, Kit, for finding help." I patted Kit's head, and the dog gave me a confused look, "Kit?"

"Yes, I named this little guy Kit, and I am Lily. Do you have a name?" I wanted to be polite, but he seemed nervous. "It's DogDay, but we should get out of this place as soon as we can. It's dangerous with CatNap roaming around." I tilted my hearing new names. CatNap? I wonder if he means that purple cat I saw down there? I turned my head, looking at where I came from before looking back at DogDay. Despite missing half his body, he was bigger than me.

"Okay, I'll get you out of here, but I have to come back. I left my bag down there, and I think I saw your legs as well..." I was contemplating on getting those first, or taking DogDay out first, but if it's as dangerous as he says it is, we should leave for now, before he could speak I cut him off. "It's Okay, Kit can always guide me back, let's get you to safety" I gently took his hand, which surprised him with how he flinch, but he relaxed as i put his arms around my shoulders like a backpack, and Kit sat on my head. This is gonna be quite the adventure.


Finally making it outside, I carried Dogday over to the central statue and sat him down along with Kit. "Okay, I'm gonna go. And head back in there. To get your legs, " I said in between breaths, I was trying not to show my exhaustion from carrying DogDay out, but I didn't expect him to be so heavy.
"DogDay, do you know where I could leave you till I get back?" I was worried leaving him alone if there was danger.

"Hmm, well, there is the room under the statue. I should be safe down there till you get back, " he motioned around the statue, giving him a firm nod. I lifted him up again, heading that way. Seeing the door, I went to open it, but it was locked.

"It's locked," I sighed, looking at Dogday, and he slumped a little. It seemed like he's not sure where we could go for now. 'I... I could try my power one more time.' I hesitantly looked at the door as I held my hand up to the doorknob and closed my eyes to focus. DogDay must've noticed since he touched my shoulder.

"Lily? What are you doing?" I didn't respond to his question since I needed to focus. Despite it being harder, we both heard an audible click. My eyes widened, and I looked at DogDay to see his was as well. 'I did it... Yes! I did it!' I smiled as I then opened the door that led to the bottom room under the statue.

"I know you have questions, DogDay,  but I promise to explain, but not right now. Now let's get you resting, then I'll be right back!" I said quickly before moving him down below with Kit waddling along behind me.
"You stay safe here, I'll be back I promise" setting him down, I can tell he wants to stop me, but after setting him down comfortably, I picked up Kit and rushed out leaving him alone.

"Alright, Kit, let's go get some legs... and my bag" Kit meowed in response, as I held him, wiggling his paws up and down to the tune, I was humming, as we entered the Playhouse yet again seeing its name as we went inside.

Heading back to the cell area, I noticed a couple of the critters roaming around. Seeing me again, many came up to me with spare buttons they found for their eyes. I wanted to stitch them on for them, but I had to get my bag in order to do so. Now they're all following me back to that room they showed me.

Squeezing back through the bars, I examined the room. I instantly saw my bag and DogDay's legs where I left them, but I also noticed that the large purple cat is gone, along with the hams I left.
"Well... at least they ate before leaving. " I spoke to myself as I went over to pick up my bag

Turning around to face the little mini critters, I stopped to notice them cowering together, and they moved behind me. My ears popped out as I heard the sound of footsteps in the room, I slowly turned my gaze to the left side of the room away from the bars. There, in the darkness, was a pair of white eyes staring at me.

The Sun and the Moon (CatNap X OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu